Chapter 1

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Zoe's POV:
Alfie I honestly don't think this could get any better this is the best holiday I have ever had.
Alfie just shrugged and said
I am so confused what's wrong with him he is being very quiet but at the same time very smirk,
Oh well I thought we are going to dinner with his family tonight I'm sure he will be feeling happy because family is soooo important to him.

Alfie's POV:
I hope that didn't come across rude I am just really nervous about tonight what if she refuses my proposal what if she wants to dump me because I am being too full on. All the possible outcomes are going through my mind for once in my life I'm am actually nervous I love my little one and I never want to lose her...

Zoe's POV:
Mmm that pizza was the best.
I gave Alfie a kiss on the forehead and said I'm going to go touch up my makeup.
Poppy came with me I told her about Alfie being moody she just replied with
"He's a boy"
To be Honest I probably just over thought the situation.
As me and step out of the bathroom there is silence everyone is staring  at me and Poppy.
I'm looking around but right here right now in front of me is Alfie on 1 knee with a box inside was the most sparkly ring.
Everyone is staring at me
He then asks
Zoe Elizabeth Sugg will you marry  me???

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