Start: Chapter 1

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I can feel his eyes on me as I take my seat in the second row, but I somehow manage to resist the urge to look at him. Instead, I decide to block him, his gorgeous green eyes, and the drama that comes along with them out of my mind for now, and scan my surroundings for anyone worth talking to.

The first person I notice is Gigi on my right, and she flashes me her winning, model-trained smile in an instant, and I return it with a friendly wink.

Next, I turn to the empty seat on my left, but I already know that it's empty. Adam - or Calvin - will be sitting right there after his performance later on tonight. I can't help but feel a twinge of unpleasantness at the thought of him. I don't know what it is but... I just can't seem to bring myself to feel any chemistry at all between us, even if he thinks he can.

I eventually move my eyes away from the seat, and find myself staring in awe at the stage in front of me. Even after the countless years of my trademark dancing in the audience with my friends, as well as actually performing some of my own songs, the AMA stage is still an incredible sight for anyone who gets to see it.

I lean down further than normal as I place my silver purse on the floor beside me, expertly using the extra time it takes me to rise to a proper seated position again to steal a quick glance at the pair of shoes next to Harry's. My breath catches in my throat as my eyes confirm the shiny, black pair of $40,000 stiletto boots, crossed elegantly over one another, in the space next to him.

This observation only confirms the fact that Kendall's making absolutely no effort at all to be subtle about how in love she is with Harry. I mean, the studded heel of her boot can clearly be seen edging its way up his jean leg, with her grinning at him widely as she does so.

And after their 'romantic New Years Eve cruise vacation together', where they were papped making out multiple times, she seems to be on top of the world, and I've never been more unhappy to see someone else so happy, which is very unlike me. 

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