Chapter 16

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I wait in my car for Taylor, shifting excitedly in my seat. This will be so much fun! I mean, I'd do anything if it meant Taylor gets to fly to England with me. When Taylor eventually exits my house and climbs beside me into the car, she's wearing one of my beanie's, a black one, tugged low on her head, covering all of her hair and forehead. Practically being swallowed by one of my old coats, she looks at me with an exhilarated grin on her face and says,

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

I steer us out my driveway and onto the bustling streets of LA, the blacked-out windows of my car providing us a little protection and shelter from any potential screaming mobs of fans and paparazzi.

About five minutes after we hit the road, our friendly conversation is interrupted by the bing of Taylor's phone, telling us she has a text. I watch as she grimaces after reading it, then reads it out to me,

"It's from Adam. It says 'Hi, bitch, having fun without me? When you do come running back to me, be prepared for the rest of your pathetic life to be made very miserable.'"

Not even taking a breath, Taylor stares into her screen, her eyes starting to brim with tears. She turns to me with a mournful expression on her usually radiant face.

"I just... I- I can't believe I ever thought he was special... I can't believe I ever even tried to love him..."

When I hear her say this, I hate the world for ever letting her feel this way. I take one hand off the wheel and place it over hers.

"Taylor, don't think of it like that. Nothing here is your fault. He is an awful person, and he manipulated you. You deserve so much better. Don't let him get to you, ok? He's not worth it,"

I take my eyes off the road to look her in the eye, and she nods sadly. We drive for a while in silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle from Taylor. I hope she's thinking about how much better she is than Calvin, and I really hope she realises her love doesn't have to be wasted on someone like him.

* * *

Taylor seems to have cheered up by the time our drive is over. I pull over next to the curb, a couple of corners away from Taylor's house. Taking a deep breath, she tugs her (well, MY) beanie lower, and zips up her (again, my) black coat. I flip up the hood of my jacket and we both look around thoroughly in case anyone is nearby, before clambering quietly out of the car. As we walk to the back of her house, Taylor hides her face in my shoulder against the brisk wind.

Pulling her in with my arm around her, I can feel her breaths are still a little shaky. Gently, I kiss her forehead and immediately feel her heartbeat calm down. Soon enough, we reach the back gate of Taylor's place.


She whispers, her voice sounding muffled,

"There's the second floor window so I can just climb out of that when I'm done."

She points to a small window near the top of the giant house.

"We CANNOT take the chance of the paps seeing me getting into some random car with a giant suitcase of stuff. Agreed?"

I admit that's definitely the safest option, even though the thought of Taylor climbing down from a second-story window makes my heart fly out of my chest.


I finally reply, before adding,

"But... how are you gonna climb out of that without killing yourself?"

"Well, there's a ladder up to the window. I'll just use that."

"Okay...why is there a ladder up to your window?"

She pauses before replying,

"It's where Adam used to sneak in when the fans would- would follow him too close to home."

I pull a face at her, and she smirks at this before leaving my arms and sneaking towards the back door. The sound of a television echoes down the street, and Taylor looks at me. I quickly reassure her,

"Don't worry. It's gotta be one of the other houses across the road. They're too far to see anything."

She nods before opening the door and sliding through the tiny crack. I remember that I'm supposed to be keeping lookout, and whip around, scanning the street quickly before turning back and focusing on the house again.

I walk back to the car and just stand there in silence; watching.

I Wish You Would - A Haylor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now