Five Facts

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Okay, I got tagged for this by @larrythefatcat2 and I usually don't do these but I've got horrible writers block on the date scene so I thought I'd do this.

1. Two of my many guilty obsessions are Rucas and Miggie.

2. I have a slight obsession with writing stories on Google Docs that ruins the perfect image of Disney characters. I've got a pregnant Liv Rooney story, depressed badass Riley Mathews story, and a punk! Miggie story. I swear I try not to be so messed up but I get the idea and if I don't write upon it I go crazy. In all honesty, I blame my brother for forcing me to take a break from watching TVD and The Originals with his son when I babysit and try Disney Channel for once.

3. When I was doing the aptitude test for the high school I'm going to, they gave us twenty minutes to write a response to the writing prompt that was basically made for me--'Who is your favorite fictional character and why?'. Not only did a kid I know who was sitting right in front of me look back like 'bitch you got this' but I used three full pages, front and back, plus another half a page. Let's just say I'm taking a sophomore English class.

4. I'm a video game junkie when it comes to The Last of Us, Until Dawn, Uncharted, and Battlefield.

5. One of the only sports I do is called three gun. If you don't know what that is, here's a random video from YouTube.

I'm actually pretty good. Took second in my last competition and was only beat by .16 seconds.

Okay, now that that's done, I tag:

Now, since the last time I wrote I've been to Rome, Morocco, and I'm currently in Athens. In two days I'll be in Moscow and then flying home four days after that. I promise I'm trying to get the date chapter done but I need wifi to write in Europe and usually my sister helps with the love stuff.

Until next time book nerds.

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