Chapter 1. The First Day

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Caleb's POV

I wave goodbye to Mom and Annie as I walk out of the car and into the main doors of the school. It was hard for me to believe that Annie was now starting eighth grade, and I was starting high school!

I looked at my schedule and was about to see where my homeroom was when a pair of hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?" The voice asked.

"Captain Feathersword?" I asked.

Sydney laughed. "It's me, you big goofball, not some dumb character from a kids TV show many years ago."

I laughed and kissed her. Sydney wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me back.

I pulled away and held her hand as she looked at my schedule. "Darn! We only have math together." She said.

"And lunch! Don't worry, we'll see each other in the halls and during free period if we make it work." I said as I stood in front of her and held both of her hands.

She nodded. "Just text me when you leave your class before free period and we can meet somewhere, 'kay? Oh, and the same for lunch!"

I nodded back. "Of course, babe. I love you."

"Love you more, babe." She said as she kissed me again.

We kissed a little before she hugged me and left for first period. Because her class is on the other side of campus, she had to go to class earlier than me.

I headed over to my locker and took what I needed for first period, which was Spanish; a notebook, planner, and pen.

When I closed my locker, I turned around and someone bumped into me. She fell on top of me as I landed on the ground.

She laughed awkwardly and sat up, picking up her books that she dropped.

That's when I realized it was Katie, Annie's friend.

"Katie? You go here?" I asked as I handed her her pen.

She smiled. "Yeah!"

We were about to grab the same notebook when our hands touched. I smiled at her a friendly smile, not a smile that says 'I like you'.

She smiled back and didn't move her hand. So, I did.

She laughed awkwardly again as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Sorry."

"No problem." I handed her the notebook and then realized it was for Spanish.

"You have Spanish first period?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Me too! Wanna walk together?" I asked as I helped her up.

"Okay. Thanks." She replied.

"No problem." I said as we walked down the hall together.


Katie's POV

Caleb was walking me to class! This is a dream come true! He and Annie don't know, but I've had a huge crush on him since I first met him. He's just so cute and nice and hilarious! How could you not fall for him?

When we got to Spanish class there was assigned seating. The Spanish teacher, Señora Rodriguez, asked for our names and pointed to our seats. Luckily, I was sitting behind Caleb.

But I guess that wasn't really the best thing.

I got too distracted! I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous hair, and sometimes when he'd turn around to see the backboard that had our homework on it, I would see his smile when we made eye contact. All I would do is awkwardly wave.

At one point I couldn't help myself. I just started playing with his hair; brushing it with my fingers, twirling it around my finger, petting it, etc.

He turned around and gave me a weird look. "What are you doing?" He whispered.

That's when I realized what I was doing, and that he had a girlfriend, Sydney.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sydney, but I'm jealous of her because she got the guy I've always liked.

"Sorry!" I whispered as he turned back around.

I sighed and placed my chin on my hand as I took down notes. It was still really hard not to get distracted by his hair.

After Spanish class I found out Caleb and I both had math second period. I walked with him there, too, but my heart shattered when we got to the door.

Sydney was there waiting for him. She greeted him with a, "Hey, babe!" and kissed him right in front of me.

Caleb smiled during the kiss but then kissed her back.

That's when my eyes starting watering. I looked away and ran towards the bathroom, which was fortunately right across from math class.

I went into the handicap stall and sat on top of the toilet lid and cried. When I was done crying I splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy. I wiped my eyes and put on sunglasses as I walked back to math class.

Caleb sat in front of Sydney while she was giving him a massage. She was giggling the whole time while Caleb was telling her a story about baseball practice.

I sat towards the back of the classroom a row next to them so I wouldn't be near them. Caleb and Sydney were near the front. I really hoped this was our only class together...

When Sydney was done massaging her boyfriend, she noticed me and walked over.

We were still friends, but we didn't keep in touch that often. Ever since she started dating Caleb, I kinda distanced myself from her out of jealously.

"Hi, Katie! How are you?" Sydney greeted as she hugged me.

"Fine, I guess." I mumbled as I sank in my seat.

"What's wrong? And what's with the sunglasses?" Sydney asked as she pulled them off my face.

I tried to get the glasses as she was pulling them off but I was too late. She gasped. "Katie! Why were you crying? Everything okay?"

"Everything's just peachy." I tried to say in a cheery tone but it came out dull.

Sydney shrugged and walked away just as the bell rang.

She gave Caleb a quick kiss before the teacher began his greeting speech.

I could already tell this wasn't going to be a great school year.

A/N: Hello! Gosh, I've got too many fanfics now 😂 I wanted to write a story about Caleb, Sydney, and Katie, so I made it a love triangle! Hehe!
Tell me already in the comments! Who do you ship? #Saleb or #Kaleb? And just by reading this chapter, did your ship change?
I hope you liked this chapter! If so please vote comment and share because I love getting feedback from you guys!
Until next time ;)

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