Chapter 3. I just started a triangle!

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Katie's POV

The next day I was at my locker taking out my things for Spanish when a voice yelled from down the hall, "Katie!"

I turned around to see Caleb running towards me and waving.

I lifted my hand to wave back but quickly lowered it. I can't be this easy; I need to pretend that I'm still mad at Caleb.

It's really hard, though, because he's so cute and forgiving that it's hard for me to stay mad at him.

But I can still try.

He ran over and panted, still giving me his signature smile. "Hey! Wanna walk together?"

I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker door shut as I walked in the opposite direction.

"Katie! Katie, wait! I need to talk to you!" Caleb came running back and walked along next to me.

"About what?" I snapped, still pretending to be mad.

"Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday. Syd and I should've included you, I feel really bad about it. So does Syd. We both apologize." Caleb grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye, smiling. "Can you forgive us?"

I sighed. "Okay. I forgive you."

"Thank you, Katie." Caleb wrapped me into a hug. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't forgive us. You're one of my best friends."

I nodded. His warmth was so comforting, and I felt my fingers tingle as I hugged him back.

I didn't want him to, but he pulled away and walked with me the rest of the way to Spanish.

"So, what'd you think of the homework last night?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "Easy, I guess."

"Easy?" He repeated, his eyes widened. "Are you joking? We had to write a front and back page essay about ourselves in Spanish! For half of it I had to use Google translate!"

"Half?" I asked, not buying it.

"Fine, three quarters of it, but still!" Caleb exclaimed as we walked into the classroom.

I giggled as we sat down, the bell ringing a couple seconds later.

Señora Rodriguez was teaching us how to conjugate the verb 'ser' while I was staring at Caleb's hair. Gosh, why does he have to be so hot...

"Katie! Can you answer the question?" Señora Rodriguez all of a sudden asked.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, I wasn't listening..." I said as I felt my face go bright red.

"I was asking you, Katie, how to conjugate ser into saying 'I am...', can you answer that question?" Señora explained.

"Oh, uh, si. To say 'I am' is 'yo soy'." I said.

Muy excellente!" She said as she wrote it on the board.

Caleb turned around and smiled at me. "You're good at this. I didn't even know this."

I smiled. "Thanks." I whispered.

"Do you think you could tutor me after school? Annie wants to see you anyways." Caleb asked.

"Sure! I'll meet you after school at the front entrance."

"Sounds good." Caleb winked and turned back around.

Why was I excited to tutor Caleb in Spanish on our second day of school? Whatever, this is going to be great!


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