Chapter 10. "Again? I've always loved you."

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Luke's POV

After I got home from baseball practice I began my homework when Sydney knocked on my door, standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

I waved her in, and as she sat down she asked me, "Have you made a decision yet?"

"About what?"

"Duh, Katie or Veronica?" Sydney said.

"Oh. I don't know." I said as I shrugged. "Hey do you know what the answer to this is?"

"I don't know or care!" Sydney exclaimed. "I just want to know who you picked."

I shrugged again. "I don't know who to pick, Syd. I mean, Katie's wonderful and all, but I feel like if we dated Caleb would hate me for stealing her from him."

"So? Why would he care? He's with me now and he's happy." Sydney said while grinning.

"I know, Syd, but still. I also really like Veronica. She's sweet, pretty, good at biology..." I said.

Sydney slapped my arm. "You can't date a girl just because she's good at biology and can help you cheat!"

"Sorry." I laughed.

"You need to pick though." Sydney said.

"I know. Now can I please be left alone to do my homework? Unless you want to give me your answers..."

"I'm leaving!" Sydney said as she closed the door.

I resumed back to my homework and thought about who I should choose. Who should I choose?

Just then Katie texted Caleb and I:

K: Meet me after school 2morrow in the school courtyard, we need to talk

I replied with an 'ok' and then went to bed.

I thought and thought about making a decision all night until I fell asleep. Then I woke up the next morning and had an answer.

I knew who I wanted to choose.


Caleb's POV

At school the next morning I decided to walk Sydney to her class, even though it was on the other side of campus. I just wanted to be a gentlemen.

When we got to her classroom she hugged me and said, "You better get going."

I looked at the clock; three minutes to the bell. "Oh, crap, I gotta run. Catch ya later!" I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before running downstairs and through the hallway.

When my locker was in range of vision, I saw Katie standing there and waving at me, holding my books.

"'re a life saver." I said breathlessly as I grabbed my books from her and ran to class.

"No problem." She said as we ran into the doors of Spanish class about two seconds before the bell rang.

"Almost tardy, Señor Caleb y Señorita Katie." Señora Rodriguez scolded as we took our seats.

'At least we weren't,' I thought.

"Sorry!" Katie said as she took out her pen and began to copy notes.

After class I took her aside and asked her, "What are we talking about after school?"

"Us." She said as she walked to math.

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