chapter 3

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"I cant believe you didn't get a scratch!" Trish exclaimed.

"I wasn't going that fast,' Becka replied. "because of the snow. our car wasn't even that badly messed up. Just one headlight got smashed."

"you were so lucky," Lilah said. "well...I wouldn't exactly call it lucky," Becka told them. "my dad yelled at me for taking the car without permission." Trish and Lilah tsk-tsked. it was the next afternoon, a bright blue-skied Saturday, the ground covered with snow, still fresh and white. Becka and her two friends were upstairs in Beckas' room, warm and comfortable, the old radiator against the wall making hissing sounds.

Becka, dressed in black legging and a over-sized blue sweater, sat on her bed, back pressed against the wall, legs crossed. she was knitting furiously, a ball of olive green yarn in her lap. "I'll never get this sweater finished by Christmas," she muttered. "Becka, who's it a present for?" Lilah asked, raising her head from the shaggy white carpet where she lay on her stomach, flipping through a old copy of Teen. "My cousin. Ow!" Becka cried. "I poked myself." she held up her finger to examine the small, bright red circle of blood. " now im going to drip on my sweater."

she tossed the knitting down and scrambled to her dresser to get a tissue. "I knit to calm me down, but it doesn't seem to be working today," Becka told them, pressing the tissue against the cut. "Every Christmas my cousin Rachael and I knit sweaters for each other. Hers is always perfect, with these perfect little stitches, and perfect little patterns, and mine..." her voice trailed off. "Take it easy" lilah said, closing the magazine and rolling onto her back, her hands rested under her head. Lilac wore a maroon-and white Shadyside high sweatshirt over gassed jeans ripped at both knees.
"You need a Band Aid." Trish said from the window seat from across the room. She had been staring out at the snow covered front yard, but turned to check out Beckas injury
"How can I knit with a Band-Aid on my finger?" Becka snapped
"Badly?" Trish joked. Her blue eyes lit up. She grinned, exposing her braces, braces she had worn for over a year but still made her self-conscious. Dressed in grey sweats, Trish was short and chubby with curly auburn hair that shaped her lively, mischievous face. "Love the haircut." Lilah called up from her place on the carpet.
"Yeah it's awesome." Trish added enthusiastically.
Becka peered at her reflection in the dresser mirror.
"It's too short." She said uncertainly.
"No way." Trish declared.
Becka had seen the ultra-short haircut on a model in cosmopolitan. The model looked a lot like Becka. Light blonde hair, almond shaped-green eyes, high cheekbones, Olive skin despite the weather, with a hint of freckles kissed across her nose. So Becka had taken the chance and had almost all of her hair cut off, emerging with a sleek chick new look.
"I look like a boy." Becka insisted.
"You look great." Trish told her.
"Stop fishing for compliments." Lilah said, rolling her eyes. "You look great and you know you do."
"I'm so jealous." Trish said from the window seat.
"With my round face, I could never wear my hair like that. I'd look like a bowling ball with legs!"
"I'd rather look like a bowling ball than a stork!" Lilah grumbled, she secretly liked being tall, but constantly complained about it.

Becka removed the tissue from her finger, "There. I think it finally stopped bleeding" she stepped over Lilah on her way back to her bed and picked up her knitting. "Like this colour?" 

"Yeah. it's great. Your cousin's colour blind right?" Trish laughed 

"Don't encourage her." Becka said to Trish frowning. "Hey 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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