One Truth...

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     Justin sighed, and took my hand leading me to the room Scooter was pointing to. In it were our friends, moms, Usher, and Scooter. We both got puzzled looks on our faces, then a bit angry. My mom motioned the both of us to sit down in the empty chair between Tanya and Chaz. I was so utterly confused all we did was sing together.

"Alright guys whats up?" Justin finally spoke up.

"Well Justin..theres no easy way to put this" Usher began but Scooter cut in.

"Bridget and her friends will be accompying you on the tour. As merely a down to earth promotional stunt, and Jessica agreed to let Bridget sing instead." Me and Justin both gaped at all of them kind of letting it sink in.

"Why is this coming up all of a sudden guys?" I said because this wasnt normal at all. Scooter and Usher looked at our moms and they nodded. Then everyone left besides me, Justin and our moms.

"So whats up mom?" Justin said to Pattie, whom was very sweet i heard.

"Okay Justin you and Bridget might be a little mad about this at first but you have to think about the up sides." Pattie said breathing.

"Just spit it out mom!" Justin said a bit angry, but i touched his hand and he calmed down.

"Well when you two were both in our stomachs me and your mom met. We became good friends instantly and we hung out all the time thinking of names and stuff like that. We had you and we were always together both of our families. Your dads also did something very dumb that is now legal and permanent." Pattie breath and i started worrying "They went and signed legal document promising you two to each other..."

"Okay whats so bad we have to be related...whatever." Justin said smiling a bit.

"No Justin it means we have to get married. It means we have no choice, and we can date anyone we like, and we can only marry each other..." I said tearing up, and his smile faded.

"Why would they do this to us mom?" Justin said and he sounded sad.

"They said they didnt want anyone else to have you guys but each other. Plus you were always together, and we thought you would fall in love anyways. Then her father passed, and Emma moved away. You cried for awhile; the both of you. We were going to change the law thing, but they said only the fathers could, and seeing as one passed we couldnt." Pattie said rubbing Justins back.

"Well not to be rude, but im not marrying Justin. I couldnt i mean come on he's a freaking pop star! Id never fit into that lifestyle!" I yelled. My mom came a wiped my tears away.

"Justin is a sweet boy, and you two have to marry each other or never marry at all..." She said looking away. Justin looked up and me and smiled a little. Then spoke.

"What about Selena mom?" Justin said now facing Pattie.

"You have to break it off baby. I know you really like her, but Bridget is a very good girl and is very smart as well." She said trying to get Justin to smile. 

I got up tired of all of this, and angry that my dad would do this. I walked out to Usher and looked up at him.

"Whats on your mind Bridget?" Usher asked politely.

"We will go on one condition...Vick comes as well. Hes always been like a dad to me and i couldnt do this with out him." I looked up at Usher waiting for his answer.

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