Concerts, Hook-ups, and the Paps

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Waking up to the annoying sound of Justins iPhone singing Taylor Swift songs is really a pisser. Not that i hate Taylor or her song i just dont like waking up at 5:30 in the morning when i dont have to be up for two more hours.

"Justin!" I whisper, but he doesnt wake up "Justin!" I say a bit louder, and nudging him but he still doesnt wake up. Fine we'll do this the hard way.

I flip around and push Justin off the bed. He jumps up scowling at me, and looks about ready to murder me, but i point to his phone. Justin checks his text then puts it on silent, and we lay back down. I turn around and find Justin just staring at me with a death glare.

"Whaaaaaat?" I whine to him.

"You could of just nudged me awake you know!" He said very matter-of-factly.

"I tried but you wouldnt wake up numbskull! Im going to sleep now!" I snapped and flipped away from him.

"Oh im sorry to make you mad..." He said pulling me close to him and putting his face in my hair. After a few minutes we were both out, but i couldnt stop thinking how weird this was.

*Waking up time!*

Now it was my annoying alarm going off, and i debated just hitting the snooze, but Justin was not having that. He was up and awake, but to make sure i was he was making me get ready first. I took a quick ten minute shower, and dressed in a pair of jeans, an abercrombie shirt, and my black converse. I put my hair in a side braid, and applied a light amount of make-up. Stepping out of the bathroom i was greeted with a "hello beautiful" and then Justin was in the bathroom getting ready.

While i waited for Justin i group chatted with my girls on facebook.

Bridget Davis: Hey girls how are you all this fine morning...Excited for the concert, im not i have to sing...?

Tanya Philipps: Im great, and im going to hang with Christian in the crowd so ill be cool, but i have to get ready bye girlies!

Sasha Chase: Im fine, and me and Ryan are chilling now he says "hi" me and him will chill with Tawny and Christy:P but yeah i wish you good luck girl! Im going to chill with my (maybe) boy;) bye love you<3

Eve Thorne: Chaz cracks me up! We talked all night last night, and are hanging together at the concert, but yeah im good. I know you will do great! Can i come to your room Chaz had to go do something..I dont even wanna know?

Bridget Davis: Thanks for the good luck wishes and good luck to you girls too! And sure eve come on up room 301! see you in a bit.

Eve Thorne: Be right up!<3

I heard a crash from in the bathroom just as i signed off and i jumped up. Running to the door i was panicking inside. As i reached the door Justin appeared rubbing the back of his head muttering about slippery floors. I grabbed him and hugged him, and he laughed at me.

"You scared me i thought you were hurt! Oh and Eve is coming up so watch tv or something!" I said pushing him to the couch.

Eve eventually came up, and after making fun of me and Justin in our cozy one bed suite for a while. We all settled in and just hung out together. They both grew pretty close and got along great, but the Justins phone went off with Ushers OMG and i knew it had to be the Ush man himself. So i started putting on my hoodie, sunglasses, and grabbed the bag i packed for the concert shoving my phone in my pocket as well. Eve also follow suit.

Then i felt my phone vibrate , but it was a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Bridget I was wondering if you would like to get together sometime?

I didnt even have time to answer, because Justin was rushing us out the door. We apperently have meet and greet at 1-2 then soundcheck from 2-3 then i have from 3-5 to learn the dance, but ill only learn the part for me and Justin together for this concert. I have a long day ahead of me. Justin took my hand and pulled me out the front door, and towards the car, and Eve was latched onto my arm. More paparazzi greeted us with more questions.

"So who is the mystery girl Justin?"

"Justin are you and mystery girl dating?"

"What happened to Jelena Justin?"

"Justin who is mystery girls friend?"

"Is she seriously rumored to be dating your friend Chaz?"

More of the same questions i would have to grow used to, but Justin's reaction caught me off guard. He abruptly stopped causing me to run my face into his shoulder, and he turned to face the paparazzi.

"1. The Mystery Girl is Bridget Davis she has a name 2. No we arent dating...Yet 3. Jelena is over 4. Her friend is Eve 4. I dont know if they are dating. Bye now we have fans to talk to."

With that we got into our car, and we were on our way. I shook my hand free of Justins and he shot me an "are you mad at me look" and i simply laid my head on his shoulder in response. Then i pulled our my white iPhone 4s and looed through the two new messages from two unknown number, mom. And i still had the earlier unknown message but these were two different numbers, so i texted my mom first.

Mommykins!: Be sure to be at soundcheck and stuff on time babydoll, and good luck! I love you!

Me: Thanks mom I will. Love you too!

Normally my mom wasnt this i love you to me. Only when i do something to make her proud so i know why shes doing this. I still like the love. Then i texted the less stalker unknown but i think i know who it is.

Unknown: Hey baby girl! How ya doing?

Me: Hey is this Vick?

Unknown: Oh yeah i probably shouldve told you! Yes it is they got me a phone to keep in touch with you on tours if you go out.

Me: Okay well im doing great just a bit nervous! So ill see you at the Meet-and-Greet? If so see you in like 5 justin says

Vick: Yes you will baby girl. See you in 5!

I finally talked myself into texting my newest stalker!

Unknown(from earlier): Hey bridget I was wondering if you would like to get together sometime?

Me: Um who is this?

Unknown: Oh! Silly me! Its Selena Gomez. Justin gave me your number he said you were pretty chill. By the way i understand what happened and i hold no harsh feelings. I might get together with someone anyways!

Me: Oh well i would love to hang sometime! Just give me a time and place, but i will be on a tour this summer so..yeah. And if you ever need a hook-up i could help i know boys, but they arent famous:P

Selly G: Haha ill take you up on that sometime, and yeah i hear well ill be around for your britain concert so maybe then!

Me: Yeah maybe but i gtg bye Selena!:)

Anyways we arrived at the meet and greet with plenty of time. I cant believe Justin rushed us so much! I mean seriously we are here half an hour early, but of course the Beliebers are already lining up. The strange thing is they recognized me too. They didnt like me so much since i stole Justin or whatever.

When we got in the stadium we weere rushed to the back, and i got me hair pulled up and my make-up done more bold, but i didnt care. Then me and Justin walked out on the stage, and latched hands staring at the hundered or so Beliebers that scored meet and greets. They werent expecting me though!

They screamed when they saw Justin not so much me...Justin went up to the edge of the stage to pick random girls to ask questions. First he pick a girl around 11 in purple and glittery clothing.

"Hi Justin im Kylie and i was wonddering why is that girl here?"

"Well Kylie her name is Bridget, she is singing for Jessica on this tour so Jessica can pursue her carrer."

More and more questions about me, me and justin, Jelena all of them came up and i was thinking. This better be a hell of a concert

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