Together Again?

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"So what does this mean?" I whispered to Justin after we broke from our kiss.

"I think this means I love you...Do you love me?" He breath against my lips.

"Of course I do Justin. Always have, always will...Nothing could change that." He leant in and kissed me.

"Aww so cute why dont you just ask her out already?"

Now our friends are watching great! Me and Justin broke apart and glared at them. They smiled at us and all the guys wiggled their eyebrows at Justin causing the girls and I to laugh uncontrollably. Then he grabbed my chin and brought it up so our eyes were level. My smile began to fade but he put it back when he smiled at me.

"Bridget will you be my girlfriend again?" My heart sank a bit, because i thought he'dask me to be his fiance, but i cant complain.

"I dont know..." i said and he got sad "Just messing Justin of course i will!" I jumped on him and kissed him.

All our friends laughed, and of course we told Scooter. He said he would schedule an interview for us tomorrow around 1.  We both groaned at that idea, but the rest of the night was good. All of us sat and watched Marley and Me of course i cried. Justin even teared up a bit, but we cuddled together. That I missed so much.

"Why did i stay up so late last night!?" I groaned as Justin tried to pull me out of bed.

"I dont know why youre complaining! I let you sleep until noon, but we have to go to the interview in like thirty minutes." He said tumbling over.

Then he left the room, and i rolled over beginning to fall asleep again. A creaking noise startled me then i felt weight on the bed. The next thing i new i was being bounced on my bed from Justin and Chaz jumping on it.

"Alright, alright im up you crazy children!" I said laughing.

I walked into the bathroom, and brushed through my hair; straightening out any waves i had in my hair. Then i put on some make-up, and i forgot i wasnt even dressed yet. Walking out into the room i was greeted by a kiss from Justin. I giggled as i picked out my jeans, nice shirt, and zebra converse. Justin of course laughed at my shoes, and then pointed to his own purple supras.

"Now these are shoes."

"I swear you act more like a girl than me sometimes..." I said smirking at him.

We raced each other down the stairs, i won no matter what Justin says, and we grabbed a sandwich Sasha made for us. Then we went out to Kenny who waited in the car for us. Outside was cold like a normal for December 30th. Wow in four month and one day i have to marry Justin. I wonder when he will ask again?

The drive to the...Ellen Show! I have always wanted to be on that. Took exactly fifteen minutes, but it wasnt long since when you put me, Justin, and Kenny in a car together we have fun. We sang the whole way, well Kenny tried to sing, and of course Justin video taped and put it on youtube. Evil boy.

Walking into the building i got so nervous to talk to Ellen, and Kenny and Justin laughed at me. I almost shrieked like a little girl when Ellen came and shook my hand. Instead i tumbled over my words stuttering like a mad woman. Justin and Ellen laughed at me causing me to blush. Then Ellen led us to our chairs, and a man with a headset began counting down from 5.






"Hey Its the Ellen show and we are here with Justin Bieber and Bridget Davis. We will be having the crowd ask them questions after a few from myself. So are you two back together again?"

"Yes, we are." I chirped smiling over at Justin.

"And is the wedding between you two back on?" She asked and we grew quiet.

"W-well Ellen, Bridget and I havent exactly talked about it. So its not known right now."

"Oh okay well tweet it when it is." She winked. "Now questions from the audience?"

A big screen rolled down behind us, and little messages were displayed on it. Ellen did this really cool thing, and the messages began shuffling around. Randomizing it i believe. Then a message popped up on the screen.

"From: Katy Bieber: Justin why are you back with Bridget? You have plenty of fans that love you."

"Well, Katy, I have very strong feelings for Bridget. We always have fun together, and we just belong together." He said kissing my cheek.

"Next question from: Derek Davis: Hey Bridget marry me? Especially if Justin wont."

"Thanks Derek, but i think ill have to wait on the whole marrying Justin thing. Ill keep you in mind though." I winked, and Justins mouth dropped. Both me and Ellen laughed at his reaction.

"Oh gosh you two are cute. Okay next...From: Starstrukk: Guys if you werent seeing each other who would you see?"

"Hmm...Beyonce." Justin said.

"Probably Alex Pettyfer." I giggled.

"Next. From: Babylon: Hey guys what is your favorite place in the whole world?"

"I'd have to say Greece!" I sang.

"England!" Justin mocked me.

"Arent they just the cutest? But im sorry thats all the time we have. So you two stay strong, and have a good life." Ellen said hugging us, and then we left.

We were both starving when we got home, and we were attacked by our friends. They all said they were watching the show. Then i made Eve make me a sammich, and i love her for making me ham and cheese. For the rest of the night we just sat around and watched The Notebook, but that was not the right choice. I cried forever.

Finally i stopped after some comforting, and kisses, from Justin. Then we all made the mistake of drinking Red Bull, and us on Red Bull not a good idea. I was running through Justin and I's house singing My Girl. While Justin chase me singing Baby Come Back. We bumped into Chaz and Eve who were hitting each other with hair ties...I dont know why hair ties either. Sasha and Ryan were skipping up and down the stairs screaming ring around the rosie. Tanya and Christian were in a poke war, and then we all looked up when we heard a loud bang.

"It came from the garage." I said scared.

All the boys nodded, and ran away. Great now me and the girls have to check it out. We all grabbed a flashlight, and a baseball bat. Slowly we made our way down the hallway towards the garage. When we came to the door we heard more noises, and i freaked out. I pushed the door open and walked in slowly; flipping the lights on along the way. Turning around thinking there was nothing I gasped only to have my mouth covered by a hand.

In front of me were my best friends all held like me by three huge men. I kicked the person holding me only to hear a familiar voice say "ouch." Where have i heard that? 

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