Just Being Together

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After that night we didnt let each other out of our sights. A whole three months of just being together concerts, interviews, meet and greets. I even went with Justin when he was filming the music video for That Should Be Me. I of course began crying, and thank goodness Sasha and Ryan were with us, because they took me outside. Where of course Justin followed us, and i told him to go back, because Sash and Ry were taking me to get ice cream. So not true but it was evily brilliant way to get ice cream! He finished recording the whole thing that day and when he came back to the hotel he laid by me.

I acted like i was asleep, but he knew i wasnt so he started kissing my neck. I elbowed him and he made and oof sound which made me laugh, but i flipped around and kissed him.

"I love you babe, sorry for crying today." I said disappointed in myself.

"Its okay babe I love you too." He said then sung Favorite Girl and i fell asleep. The only bad part was that tomorrow was the last day of the tour, and i had to go back to school.

That night, however, at midnight me and Justin were startled awake by a call. Scooter had called me, justin, my mom, and Pattie to his room. So me and Justin groggily walked together to Scoots room.

"Okay Scooter, moms whats with the intervention?" I asked lamely.

"Well baby girl me and your mom have decided that we would let you sign with me...if youd like?" Scooter asked with hope in his voice.

"Of course i will, but i have school! I want to finish my senior year." I said kind of sad.

"I want to go for senior year too." Justin said taking my hand.

"Well there might be some complications with that you two..." Pattie said and everyone looked at her "Well i went back through this law on them to see if there was a loop hole, and well there isnt. Thats not the only thing i found though. It also says that you shall be married a month after your 18th birthdays, and since Justin is a day younger. Its a month after his. So that means you will be married in the middle of your senior year. If thats alright with you two then we will enroll you in the actors school?" Pattie said a little upset about the law.

"Im fine with that." I said and Justin nodded. So it was decided the day after tomorrow me and Justin will be attending LA's school for the famous. Me and my mom will move yet again but we will be neighbors with Justin and Pattie. Then Scooter spoke.

"Another surprise though...We might also sign Sasha on, because of her amazing performence with JB. Just have to convince her mom, so if she says yes Sasha will move in with Bridget in three days. She is leaving tonighht with me instead of tomorrow with the rest of your friends. Now go to bed you two!" Scooter finished pushing us out of the room.

Me and Justin walked to the elevator hand in hand, laughing. He looked at me once we got in the elevator. At that moment, everything felt so perfect like nothing could ruin this.

*Justins POV*

I stared at her studying her, just everything about her. From her lips, to her eyes, to the way she smiled out of nowhere. How her hand fit perfectly into mine.

"What you smiling about babe?" I said as i pulled her into my arms.

"Just how everything seems so perfect right now. We are about to go for senior year, and me and my best friend are about to be signed with you. I just feel complete just being together with you." She whispered leaning into me.

"I know the feeling Bridget you make me so happy, and i cant imagine ever living without your love." I said now walking hand in hand down to our room.

We got to our door, and she slid our card in. I was thinking about what my mom said we'd have to be married by April 1st. I dont even know how im going to ask or anything, what if she says no? Of course she wont say no itd be illegal im so dumb sometimes. I guess i need to go back to school, and me and her have to go get registered tomorrow morning, well in like 5 hours. Its almost eight in the morning.

I climbed into bed next to her, but she shoved me off the bed laughing. I jumped back up, and began to tickle her she was trying so hard not to laugh. Finally i stopped, and we fell asleep just holding onto each other.

*Next Morning at the school JB's POV still*

Pulling up to the school Bridget gasped, and i was guessing it was from the size of the school. I chuckled at her and believe me that one recieved a punch. I feigned hurt and she laughed at me. We walked into the office, and were greeted cheerfully then directed to the principal's office. Sitting down i noticed Bridget yawn, because she was still tired.

"So Mr. Bieber and Ms. Davis you two are going to enroll for your senior year that great! We are lucky to have you two come. Now i have your schedules here, and if you just show up tomorrow at eight, and follow the times on them you will be fine. Just know we do have some strange kids here with strange talents, but im sure you will know a lot of them. They are mostly famous people like you." She smiled, and we returned them.

That was short, and we werent expecting Kenny to pick us up for another hour. So me and Bridge found a picnic table, and compared our schedules. I had first hour Math with her, but second hour i had normal English while she had advanced. Then she had a higher science class then me for third, and the same with our history classes for fourth. I was happy though when we both had lunch fifth together. Since our core classes were out of the way we were assigned to extra classes for sixth i had music while she had dance. Then for seventh we had free period together where they said we could perform and stuff. Then i had dance while she had music for last period. That is one long day, and i was interrupted by the honk of Kenny's car.

We got in and Kenny bombarded us with question, which Bridget politely answered. She laughed sometimes when Kenny would do impressions of me, but i wasnt angry because he made her laugh. I loved her laugh it was the most amazing sound ever. Then That Should Be Me came on the radio, and she looked at me. I didnt expect her to sing along though. Kenny joined in, and soon we were all singing, and we had fun.

I saw all of our friends surrounded by the Paps at the entrance, and heard some of the questions.

"So Ryan we heard Sasha might get signed how do you feel?"

"Eve how are you and Chaz faring with his recent hook-up with Tanya? Same with you Christian?"

Me and Bridget both laughed, because that never happened. Then she popped through the sun roof whistling them over, and of course the Paps snapped pictures. On Bridgets way back in she hit her head, and a colorful array of words were unleashed. All of us laughed at her, and we were rewarded with death glares. The seven of us, because Sasha is with Scooter, are going to spend our las tday together watching Tron: Legacy then we are going bowling, but we have to end at five. Our friends leave at eight, and then Sasha comes back the day after school starts. If her mom says yes, but i think she will Scoot has a way with words.

The movie was pretty good, and Bridget was watching so intently. I wasnt exactly watching the movie the whole time, and one time she caught me watching her. She blushed, and i took her hand. Then i decided to go get a refill on popcorn.

*Bridget's POV*

Justin left for a refill on pocorn, and i decided about two minutes later i had to pee. Getting up i announced it to my friends, and they laughed giving me weird looks. Walking down the steps in the dark was not a good idea for me, because i almost fell. I caught myself though, because im that good. I brushed myself off like i was so cool as i pushed the theater door open.

I made my way to the bathroom, but just before i rounded the corner i heard kissing sounds. Awkward moments by a theater bathroom i thought to myself. When i turned around the corner though i really wished i hadnt, because standing in front of me was Justin kissing some girl.

"Wow..." I said full of hatred, and he looked up at me wide-eyed.

"Bridget i didnt i swe-" Justin started but i couldnt listen.

"Dont even say anything. Just come back to the movie, and lets enjoy the rest of the night with our friends. Then after this night dont ever talk to me again..." I said tears welling in my eyes. I turned on my heel, and left Justin there.

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