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We drove to a Starbucks close to our school, we parked the car and the girls where out of the car in seconds when I took my time kinda regretting getting out of my bed and going out.
"Come on Hailee move your butt quicker, I need coffee"
"I'm coming Oliv"
I went out of the car quicker and we went inside the shop. I ordered a green tea and a chocolate muffin the girls took something similar I didn't really pay attention. We sat on a table near the window.
"Come on Hailee don't be like that"
"I'm fine I just need time to comprehend everything."
"Okay no you'll cut this shit. You can't sit and mop around all day for something like that, you didn't won but you're still better than her and you know that this is what you love and something that you keep close to your heart, you can't be hurt because some stupid kids didn't vote for you but voted for their queen b."
"I know, I know, it's just that I was stupid to think that it was enough and I don't know that I had a chance"
And as in cue a fit of laughter was heard.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH, I don't really know why you even though that you had a chance against me honey, it's stupid really, I mean don't even try to audition again against me or on general you don't have a voice sweetheart put that in that small head of yours."

"At least her head isn't fake" said Alissa trying to defend me.

"The fact that it's 12 o clock and you actually don't have anything better to do than try to make someone feel worse is really pathetic Mackenzie" and that was Olivia. I don't think I have ever heard them speak up to someone, even Olivia who was the one that didn't care at all about what other people said about her had always kept her thoughts to herself.

"What do you want Mackenzie? Really, you made a point, now would you mind never talking to me again? I mean okay you are better than me and everything, so simple as that. Don't talk to me." I as sick of all this attention averted to me, I hated it and I needed it to stop.

"Wow really wow. Look who is talking back. Really Hails that's exactly why I'm trying to make a point about the fact that you are nothing, you can't talk back to me, who gave you the courage to speak up little girl?"
"I did"
I turned my he'd to the direction of the voice and was surprised to see that it was Darren.
I really thought that he would never talk to me again after the fact that I run out on him after the battle and that I didn't answer any of his calls or text.

"Darren come on baby stay out of this.

He sighed and said "Mackenzie how many times do I have to tell you? It's over between us. And girls would you mind if I borrowed Hailee for some time?"

"Yeah whatever you say you know you don't mean that..."

Mackenzie was speaking but I couldn't really concentrate on what she was saying because I was completely taken back from the stubbornness of this boy to try to take me out, not that u was complaining. My ray of thoughts were interrupted from Olivia and Alissa that suddenly stood up.

"You know what she is all yours." Said Olivia

"Have fun Hails" said Alissa and that was when I realized what they were talking about. They were leaving the caffe, without me, and I would be left with an angry Mackenzie and a hopeful Darren. Bad combination.

Without having a lot of time to think about it Darren just took my arm and dragged me out of the caffe with Mackenzie threatening us that we will regret walking out on her.

We were fast-walking for quite some time until we were at least 10 meters away from the caffe and when we started walking like normal people again, towards my house, I bursted into a fit of laughter finding all this mess amusing for some reason. That's when he decided to speak.

"It's ridiculous, all this situation is. I mean this girl is really crazy."

"Should I remind you that you dated this girl? For 2 years?"

"Yeah mistakes are always made.."


"Soo, are you alright?"

"I'm fine I guess.."

"You know what? I really think that you have a far better voice than her, the inly reason she won is because her minions voted for her one million times."

"I don't know..the truth is that I'm not faced by the fact that I lost it's more about the fact that singing is my safe place, it's something that I keep close to my heart and I never sang in front of anyone before than and I know that I shouldn't have done that just for a stupid battle. Is that making any sense to you?"

"Yeah I get it..but I think that you should sing more often, your voice is beautiful really.."

"Thank you.."
it's a really good think that I wasn't one of those people who blushed a lot cause I would be like a tomato right now.

"Only the truth Hails"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure"

"Why are you still talking to me? I mean I completely ignored your texts and calls and not to mention the fact that I left right after I lost the battle and completely forgot you and the date that you have planned. So tell me, why would you want to keep talking to me?"

We stopped walking and he took my hand on his while saying "You see Hails. I am a stubborn person. I know that you forgot me and then very rudely ignored me but I also know that you weren't in a place to talk to anybody and after what you told me I see how important it is to you. And in addition I find you extremely breathtaking."

I was in a loss of words. I never had a boyfriend so no one had ever talked to me like that or found me interesting for that matter. So when he leaned in and kissed me I lost it. I didn't know what to do it was my first kiss. So instead of pulling away I actually tried to mimic what he did and enjoyed the kiss. We finally pulled away and I stared at him not knowing what to do..

"So know you know why I am still talking to you and why I intend to take you on a real date tomorrow night"

"What? When did we talk about a date?"

"We just did. I'll pick you up at seven."

"You are crazy."

"That's why you like me."
He said while we reached my driveway and he leaned in gave me a peck on the lips and left leaving me standing there asking myself "what the heck did just happened?"

Hey guys. I know, I know I'm awful for not updating for soooo long but the truth is I just couldn't pul my head into writing. I had a big writers block. I will try to update more frequently but I can't promise you guys anything. I hope you like that part thought it's kinda crappy and I know that I'm dragging a bit what's happening before Shawn arrives but I really want you to understand how her life is before he meets him too.
What do you think about Darren? Do you ship them?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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