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I woke up feeling really optimistic today. I think that it's going to be a good day. Nothing can go wrong right? It's Friday anywayyy.
I stayed on my bed a little more and went on my social media.

I went to my bathroom, turned on my shower and hoped in. I put my shampoo and massaged my scalp. Nothing better than a steemy hot shower in the morning.

I jumbed out of the shower and went to my bedroom to go get dressed. It had started to get a little bit colder here so I grabbed my light skinny hight-waisted blue jeans, a white T-shirt that aid 'I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON' and my grey cardigan. I also grabbed my grey vans.
It's really frustrating how the weather changed from hot to cold sooo quickly. Anyway. I won't let anything destroy my good mood today.
I did my usual make-up and let my long hair down in their usual curls after blow-drying them. It was now 7:30 so I had time to go grab something to eat from downstairs. And that's exactly what I did. I ate a big bowl of cereal with milk. I also purred coffee in a pot and drank it so I would be fully awake today.
I finished eating breakfast and quickly grabbed my bag. My mum had already left so I just took my phone and headphones with me, went outside and started walking to school. I didn't want to take my car today, I had time until I had to be in class so why not exercise a little?
I was listening one of Halsey's songs that's called hold me down and I was really into it when I felt someone grab my elbow and turning me around. I let out a small scream but unwashed relieved to see that the person in front of me was Darren.
"You scared me Darren"
"Oh I'm really sorry, are you okay?"
"Yeah it's fine" I said and we started walking towards school again in silence until Darren started speaking
"Sooo.. Are you excited for today?"
"Uh? What do you mean?"(don't lie you sang it too. Props to Justin guys.)
"It's the battle today! And our date?" he said kinda questioning it.
"I completely forgot about that! Shit"
"Hey don't worry you're going to be fine. I know you'll win."
"You think so?"
"Yeah. I've heard you sing, I'm sure about it."
I hold back the urge to aw him and just smile and thank him, I look at my clock and of course, we're late to school. Again.. When am I going to stop being late?
We run inside the school and went our separate ways towards our classes after we hugged goodbye.
In lunch I sat with Olivia and Alissa and we started talking about the battle..
"Guys I'm kinda nervous for tonight.."
"Don't be. Seriously. You'll be just fine." Alissa said.
"You'll kick her ass girl!" Olivia busted out.
We started laughing at that until someone putted their hand down our table with a bit force I might say.
"Laugh now because at the end of the day when I'll beat you you'll be crying like a baby."
Mackenzie said with an evil kind of smile.
"Suree. Whatever helps you sleep at night Mackenzie." I said while laughing.
Some kids that heard us started laughing and Mackenzie shot me a glare turned her back at me flipped her hair and started walking towards the 'popular' table. I saw Darren there and he shot me a smile, I smiled back and continued talking to my best friends.
I was sitting in front of my computer scrolling through my social media. In 4 hours I have to be at our local cafeteria where the battle will take place.
The truth is that 2 hours ago I I was freaking out and I was so nervous about the battle but I sat down and I thought about it for a while. I wasn't going to practise or something. I grew up singing. It's something that I hold dearly in my heart and I won't let a battle make me nervous about something that I love doing. I'll just go and sing my song and the best will win. Honestly if I won't be the winner I'll be kinda sad but that's just life.
I was listening to music when I got a call from someone. I picked my phone up without seeing who was calling.
"Hi who is this?"
"Hailee it's me Darren."
"Oh hi. What happened?"
"Nothing I just wanting to ask you how you've been. And if you needed anything before the battle.I mean you might be nervous or something and....em yeah.." he sounded really nervous and I found it kinda cute. I chuckled a little before talking.
"Oh no I don't really need anything. I mean I'm not really nervous about the battle tonight, I was but I thought about it and now I'm fine. But thank you, really. It was really kind that you thought of me."
"Yeah sure. Anytime. Soo are we still going out after the battle?"
"Yeah. I don't forget you. Just wait for me after we finish the battle."
"Oh okay nice. See you then. You'll be amazing today, I know it." I could seriously see that he was smiling though the phone.
"thanks, see you later." and with that we ended the phonecall.

I really liked Darren but I don't know, I feel like something is missing. Anyway I push that though in the back of my mind. I've probably read too many fanfictions and it started to get a hold of me..
I started getting ready for the battle. I didn't want to be overdressed or anything but I thought that after the battle ill go out with Darren so I wore a black shirt skirt that reached just my a little bit higher from my knees, a white sleeveless shirt and I threw a jean jacket over it that reached just a bit higher than my skirt. I also wore some bracelets and my superstar adidas shoes.
I slightly curled my hair and did my makeup. Just a little bit of mascara, conceler, liquid eyeliner and some lip balm.
I started at my reflection in the mirror and I was pleased with what I saw. For the first time I looked kinda nice. And it felt good.
I took my bag and phone, texted my two best friends that I was heading to the cafe and left the house.
It was 6:15 now and we were about to start the battle.
The truth is I was getting a little bit nervous but I wasn't going to let this ruin my performance.
When I came here I found out that Mackenzie had been using this place to practise for a long time. I was getting angry from the second I heard that. She then started practising one song that she was going to sing and I saw that she had dancers on the stage and that she had an entire choreography planned out. I was socked. I thought we were only supposed to sing, not perform and dance and all of this.
Our principal arrived just when I was ready to burst.
Long story short Mackenzie fought with the principal because he didn't let her dance or anything. He said everything will be as he wants and the argument ended. Mackenzie was furious after that.

Here we are now. One hour later and I'm behind the curtain while our principal is explaining to the crowd, witch contains most of our highschool students, what will happen next.

There will be two rounds. On the first round me and Mackenzie will sing one different song and On the second round we will sing the same song, flashlight, the song that will be sang from the winner in the role.
It was then that I heard my name and Mackenzie's being called to go to stage.
She pushed past me and walked in first, I just rolled my eyes and walked in too. We stood right and left from our principal and he said that Mackenzie could go first and sing. I sat in the corner while she was singing a song from Ariana Grande 'Almost is never enough.' I have to admit that she has a pretty voice.
It was my turn to sing now and I was a bit nervous, my hands were clammy when I took the microphone in my hands but I didn't pay attention to that, or anything else for that matter. I just focused on singing. I started singing a song from one of my favorite singers Halsey 'Hold me down.'. From the moment I started singing I got lost in the the lyrics.
"My demons are begging me
to open up my mouth
I need them
Mechanically make the words come out..."
When I finished singing the room was completely silent.
Our principal was the one to break it by clearing his throat trying to get everyone attention.
"Okay guys, now Mackenzie and Hailee with both sing the song that will be in the role, flashlight. They will sing it as a duet."
He said and walked of.
Me and Mackenzie stood in the stage and the moment the music started we started singing together.
I was so in edge at that moment. My adrenaline was high in the skies and it was the best feeling. That was the moment that I realized how much I loved not only singing but performing in front of others too. That's what I want to do. Always.

The song ended and we stood there. Everyone in the crowd was clapping and the principal took the microphone so he would say who is the winner..
"The funny part guys, is that you'll decide who is the winner."
I was socked. What does that mean?
A/N Guys I'm so sorry that I wouldn't update all this days. My phone and laptop broke down and u couldn't write. Now I'm back though. If anyone is reading this believe me this book will get much better. Thank you for taking time to read my book. Love you all.


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