Disbelief, Dispair, Detained

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(Here we go another chapter hooray! I'm so behind in making chapter ;-; stupid sick day!!!! DX Oh well here's chapter 13.
Song of inspiration: In My Remains [Caleb Hyles Cover])

-Arthur's P.O.V-
I brought my knees close to my chest as I sat on the cell floor, the chains rattle as I moved. I look out the small window in the cell, I could see the blue sky and people's feet walking by. I was alone, no one was in the dungeon except for me considering I'm somewhat still in my heat but it's almost over thank the gods.
Yao has visited me telling me about what's happening to the kingdoms and about Alfred. I could feel my heart breaking when he told me that Alfred thought that I laid a spell on him to make him fall in love with me. "What will become of me Yao...? Do you know...?" The Jack shakes his head. I grip the chains that held me prisoner, "All I know is that Alfred will come by later." I sighed heavily looking away. "I'm so sorry this happened to you Arthur....but...why didn't you tell us...?" I fingered the chains, "I...just couldn't...I thought it would protect Alfred and the kingdom..." I whispered softly.
Yao nods until we hear a door slam shut, "Where is he?! YAO!" Yao stands up quickly, "Y-Yes your majesty?" It was Alfred i look up to see Alfred stare at my his eyes filled with sadness, disappointment, and anger. He looks back at Yao, "Leave....Now." Yao bows politely, "As you wish..." And with that Yao left with the guards.
Alfred waited until they were fully gone before staring back at me. "Bring the crops and water back." I sighed, "Alfred I can't I didn't put the spell on it." Alfred grits his teeth. "Don't lie to me." I scoffed looking away, "I'm not lying. I would never lie to you." I said with a hint of anger in my voice.
"Saying you aren't lying is like saying you didn't put a spell on me to make me fall in love with you." I grit my teeth.
"I didn't cast a spell on you! If I did you wouldn't be lecturing me and you would be helping me escape you twat." I shot back making him shut up. I glared at him, "Well if you can use magic why can't you just escape?" He said with a glare. "I can't you git, see." I held out my chained wrists showing a symbol that was used to hold Witches and Sorcerers imprisoned and unable to use magic. "Oh." I roll my eyes looking away from him then I hear a sniffle. My eyes wandered over to the now hunched over King his face buried in his hands. My eyes softened I watched as he crumpled down to the ground crying softly into his hands. I crawled over to him the bars separating me from him...I want to hold him...I want to hold him as close as possible...
I reach out to him petting the side of his head. He looks up at me his eyes pouring out with tears, "It's okay to cry Alfred...sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes can speak when your mouth can't tell anyone how heart broken you are..." I give him a sad smile tears streaming down my face.  He looks back at me as he reaches over caressing my cheek. I lean into his touch pulling my hand away holding onto the metal bars tightly.




(Welp this chapter sucked as well XD HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!! AAAANNNDD!!! If you did make sure you hit the vote button with your face and such and like always I'll see you guys...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!)

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