Meeting Of The Round Table

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So I was watching Merlin and why not when the Kingdom leaders join up it's like the knights of the round table type thing to me it seems awesome, lol so original XD.

::Alfred's POV::

As I stood behind the doors I straighten my jacket a bit and turn towards Briar who look nervous and anxious. "Briar." he turn to me and swallows hard, "You'll do fine." I fix his collar and caress his cheek, "You look so much like your mother..." Briar smiles, "They're waiting for us sire." I lower my hand and smile at Yao. "Ready?" Briar nods, "Ready."

I turn and push open the doors seeing the 3 other Kings, Queens and Jacks from the different Kingdoms standing at their places around the round table. Briar, Yao and I walk towards the table and stand in our places. "My friends we are joined again for a meeting of the round table." I look around the room to see the others smile and/or glance at me. I began to sit down as did everyone else, when we settled in the meeting began. "I see we have a new member to this meeting?" says a strong Russian accent which belonged to the King of the Clubs, King Ivan. I nod, "Yes this is my son Briar he is taking the place of the Queen." Briar smiles and waves shyly. Francis grins, "I suppose practice for when he becomes King?"


Everyone turns to Briar, "When I become Queen." everyone looked somewhat confused. Briar bites his lip, "Isn't the first born usually an Alpha?" I sigh heavily, "Yes but they could be an Omega or Beta as well." Francis narrows his eyes a bit. I could see Briar fingering his Omega sign that was on his wrist. "Speaking of first borns I hear Francis may have an heir to the throne." says Rodrich, the Jack of the Clubs. Francis smiles proudly and glances at Arthur, "Yes I am. Isn't that right Arthur?" Arthur nods and smiles, though I could was fake. "Ve~ A bambino or bambina how exciting!!" squealed Feliciano with a clap.

Everyone of course knew the incident that happened between us and the Diamonds but no one spoke about anymore. Except for Yao and Feliciano, whenever the Hearts would visit for business Feli would sometimes break down because he would always feel bad for what happened and seeing Briar would make him even sadder. He was the type of person who was very good at feeling empathy towards others. Everything turned down hill ever since Arthur was taken away, economy went to shit, wars broke out, even the people were questioning authority as well.

"Arthur are you alright?" I look up to see Arthur nod in response, "Yes I'm quite alright Kiku just a head ache." I lean over to Briar. "What are we talking about...?" Briar giggles, "Economy. Then Arthur start rubbing his forehead and Kiku got a bit worried."

"Oh..." Briar chuckles a bit, "Ivan how is your kingdom?" I asked, "Things have been quite well although we are still waiting for the money you still haven't given us." I tighten my fist. "I never agreed." I said through gritted teeth, "We are not here to start war Alfred and Ivan." I glance over at Ludwig who was looking at both Ivan and me. "Ludwig. Calm yourself." I watched as Kiku tried calming Ludwig who looked agitated and angered.

The room was silent, "Well...why don't we discuss about the battle between the Hearts and the Jokers." says Briar with a concerned look on his face. I forgot all about the Jokers and how they're terrorizing the Hearts. Feliciano told me that the Jokers and the outcasts bonded together in hopes of taking down the four kingdoms. 

"According to Feli he says that the lower town has been pillaged and many were killed but most are safe behind our walls." I nod, "I can send you some of my men back with you if needed." Ludwig smiles, "We will do quite alright thank you." I didn't question him further.

The meeting went on for maybe an hour or two more until it was time or them to go back to their kingdoms. Briar and I walked out of the castle with the others, Briar of course was talking to Fell while I was helping Arthur onto his horse due to his pregnancy and him feeling ill. I look up to him and quickly hand him a letter, "Read this when you get to the castle my love." He nods and hides the letter into a pack that was connected to the saddle on the horse he was on. I quickly took a hold of his hand, "Stay safe." He smiles and nods, "I will I promise."

"Let's go Arthur." I let go of his hand and watch him leave with Vash and Francis. I felt my heart break.

Yay an update thanks for reading and such even when I was gone for so long school why!?!? DX New update maybe tonight.

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