A Few Months Later

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Sorry developing writers block again

::Alfred's POV::

It was that time again. The meeting I was sitting in my usual spot next to Vash and Briar not paying any attention to anything anyone was saying. Though I was looking over at Francis who was holding Arthur's hand tightly. Arthur was now three months pregnant heading into his fourth month. The Hearts regained their Kingdom back though The Jokers are still out there. I was shaken out of my thoughts when I see Arthur stand up, "Where are you going mon ami? (idk if I spelled that right but who fucking cares?) Arthur inhales deeply, "I just needs some fresh air love. My heads hurting again." Francis nods and lets go of his hand. Arthur walks out of the room leaving us in confusion. "Why don't we take a break..." I suggest everyone nods in agreement.

I made my way to the doors making sure Francis didn't follow. He was currently talking to Ivan and Ludwig about the Jokers while Briar and Vash were discussing about something else. I head out into the corridor finally out of that stuffy room.... I glance over to see Arthur in the garden sitting on one of the benches his back facing me. I head towards the door to the garden and open it slowly, making sure not to make a sound. "Al I'm not stupid I know you're there..." I blush heavily, "O-Oh..heh.."

"Come sit with me..." I hesitated, "Francis isn't here." I move my way to the bench and sit down next to him. He had his hand on his stomach which was a more obvious bump not that was more visible. Arthur smiles softly, "Alfred feel." I felt him grab my wrist and place it on his stomach. I felt a small kick, I couldn't help but smile. Arthur giggles softly my smile slowly turned into a frown, "How...Can you act so...normal Arthur?" I asked as I took my hand away from him. "Why do you act so normal? I did horrible things to you and you now act like nothing ever happened and act like this is our child when it's not." Arthur looks at me with soft saddened eyes and smile, "Because I don't want to be sad all the time Alfred.." I look at him a bit astonished.

"Life is to short and spending it sad. I learnt that a long time ago when I was pregnant​ with Briar...So...I'm making the best of it." I smiled, "Arthur I will get you back I swear on this." he nods and held onto my hand. "I will wait until then."

Attention everyone Once Upon A Dream is almost coming to an end!!! There are possibly only 2-3 chapters left. Be aware of this and when this story is done there will be a new book called [Fight·er] once again UsUk I will announce when it's out. :3 Thank you for reading. 📚

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