Epilogue PT. 1

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Omg I'm getting so emotional the very second to last chapter of Once Upon A Dream I'm going to sob.

::3rd POV::

Alfred bit his nails nervously as he sat in the corridor of the castle just outside of his and Arthur's bedroom. Loud wails and screams could be heard from within the room which made Alfred's alpha instincts kick in.

Briar sat down close to Alfred, "Dad he'll be fine I promise." he says brightly. Though the truth is Briar was just as nervous a baby sister or brother? How nerve wracking. Then the screaming stopped replacing with a high pitched wailing of a new born baby. Alfred and Briar look up in excitement when they see the door open. The physician cleaning his hands and looking at the two of them. "A baby girl. You can go into the room if you'd like." he says happily moving aside so Alfred and Briar could go inside. The physician closes the door for them and walks down the hall.

Alfred and Briar stayed close to Arthur who was cradling a small infant in a pink blanket. Arthur smiled softly his baby girl was here, he didn't even care it was actually Francis's but he still cared enough that it was his and that she would be raised in a better home. Alfred reaches over and strokes the baby's cheek with his thumb, "She's beautiful." Briar says softly admiring the small baby. "You were smaller than this Briar." Says Alfred in a teasing manner, "That was only because I was born early dad." he scoffs making Arthur laugh happily. "So what are we naming her?" Arthur asked holding her a bit closer to his chest. Briar huffed obviously trying to think of a name, "How about...Kaze?" asks Briar curiously. Alfred looks at his son questioningly, "Kaze?" Briar nods, "Kiku told me it mean wind in Japanese." he mumbles blushing a bit in embarrassment. "I like it." Alfred says with a goofy smile, "Then it's settled. Kaze Kirkland Jones." Briar smiles more as he looks at little Kaze. "I'll protect you Kaze." he whispers and places a small kiss on the baby's forehead. Arthur looks over at Alfred and places a small kiss on his lips, "My little rabbit~" mumbles Alfred with a smirk.



"MAKE WAY COMING THROUGH!!!" Briar hollers as he runs after his sister down the corridors of the castle. Kaze giggles running a bit faster each time she hears her brother yell for her, "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME BRIAR!!" Kaze was now 10 years old and the day they find out what her ranking is. "Kaze please come back!!" hollers Briar before he bumps into someone causing himself and the person to fall over.

"Damn..." mutters Briar as he rubs his head, "You okay Briar?" says the voice of his sister. It took a moment before he looks over to see if the person he ran into was okay. "I'm so sorry let me help you with that." Briar picked up cloths and rags from the ground and stood up placing them in the basket which the mysterious person was holding.

"Thank you sire." the man mumbles blushing ferociously as he held the basket close. Briar caught the sign of the servant, an Alpha. Briar swallows hard, the alpha had dark brown hair and a bit taller and scrawnier than Briar was by a few inches. Freckles scatter his face and down his neck. He wore shaggy clothing and worn out shoes, "W-What's your name?" asked Briar shyly his submissive omega, "My name's Jerome Pennsive sire." Briar felt someone tug on his pant leg. Briar looked down to see Kaze giving his a cocky look that read, "Someone has a crush!!!" written all over it making Briar blush darker. "I best be going sire." I nod, "Will I see you again?" I ask quietly.

"Only if you want to."

"I would love to see you again."

"As you wish." and that was all Jerome said.


::Alfred's POV::

I stood close to Arthur as the party went on, I could see Briar in the distance talking a young man maybe a servant. I smiled softly remembering the time I met Arthur long ago, "What are you thinking about Alfred?" I glance down to see Arthur smirking a bit. "About you darling." I whisper planting a kiss on Arthur's forehead, "Did you meet the young man Briar is talking to?" I shook my head. "He's really sweet I think Briar is becoming attached to him." I smiled, "Really?" Arthur nods.

"Mommy." I glance down to see Arthur talking to Kaze seeing what she wants. "Can you pick me up." Arthur sighs, "No love I'm not feeling really well and you're getting so heavy." he response placing a hand on her cheek. Kaze looks down in disappointment, "Kaze I could pick you up." I say with a heroic smile seeing her face light up with joy.  "Yay!" she shouts run towards me as I pick her up, she holds onto me tightly her Beta mark that was on her shoulder showed a bit from under her dress strap. "You feeling okay Arthur?" I ask a bit concerned seeing him waver a bit. He nods, "Yeah just a bit...." and with that he collapses on the floor. "MOMMY!!!" shouts Kaze straight into my ear causing it to ring I let her down and pick up Arthur taking him to our room with Yao and Briar, who was holding Kaze's hand, followed close behind leaving the guests in the ballroom.


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