In Which Blue Helps Red

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New Update you'll hate me so much if there was a thumbs down button their would be so many of them XD anyways on with the chapter.

::Alfred's POV::

The kingdom was in an up when we got the news of the royals of the Hearts. I was stressed trying to figure out how to free the people, soldiers and now the royals. "Yao send the best soldiers we have I will go as well."

"Father let me come too!" I stop and look at Briar, "No you stay here with the people." his face contorts into anger, "I can fight!"

"I can't lose you Briar not now!" I holler at him, "I can't lose you." I grip his shoulders tightly. He looks into my eyes, "I understand..." I smiled and caress his face, "good." I hugged him tightly the metal from the armor I was wearing clatters as I did so. "I love you."

"I love you too father.." I pull away and clear my throat, "Take care of the people."

"I will."

I smile and turn and walk down the corridor, "Men to the Heart Kingdom!" I holler as I walk with some of my men to the court yard where pur horses were.


::Ludwig's POV:: (trigger warning)

I glance up hearing the cell door open as one of the soldiers push Kiku in. He fell to ground his kimono a mess his face stained with tears. I crawl over to him, his body covered in bruises, cuts and bites. (sorry not sorry) Kiku cries as I held him close, Feli was cowering in the corner gripping his hair tightly. "Shh...I'm here liebe I'm here..." I stroked the back of his head his black hair was matted and messy. They touched him...they hurt him...I'll kill them for hurting him...

"L-Ludwig is he...?" I glance at Feli he was looking at Kiku who was trembling in fear. "I don't know Feli...I don't know..." I hear Feli whimper as he puts his head in his lap and starts speaking in Italian. Probably praying...praying for help...? Praying for God to have mercy on us...? I don't know....But I knew deep down inside that help will not come.

"Ludwig." I held Kiku, "You will not hurt him any longer."

"We're not taking him. At least not yet...Gilbert wants a words with you."

Gilbert...That snake...

I lied I updated again tonight. Yay. But yeah sorry for torturing Japan :/ but WHATEVER!!!!

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