In Which Arthur is a Trade Piece

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(NEW CHAPTER!!!! This one is a bit more darker so bewarb!!!!!!)

::Alfred's POV::




He lied to you about who he was...



I was sitting in the throne room my elbow propped onto the arm rest and my chin rested on my hand. My thoughts were all mixed up in my head thought mostly about Arthur. I've been hearing rumors about him and Briar that he killed the child, or he hid Briar and is doing this for attention. I can't help but believe and disbelieve them... Though there's one rumour that sticks out...

Yao was the first to hear from a young girl that late last night she saw a man with medium cut hair ran by her house holding a crying baby. Of course, many people didn't believe her and said that she was just trying to help Arthur cover up.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the door flies open. It was Yao and he was panting like he had been running a marathon. "Yao...?"

"We know where he is!" My eyes grew wide. Briar....

"Where is he?"

"The diamond kingdom. King Francis is willing to trade."


"Trade Briar for Arthur."


We stood in the open field, Yao, Arthur, and I all stood waiting for Francis, Cash, and Briar. Arthur was shaking violently next to me tears threatening to spill when he heard horses approach. I could tell his motherly instincts were kicking in.

The horses approached more closer, "Well well well Arthur and Alfred Jones. How amazing to see you two together." I grimaced, "Shut up you snake." I turned to Arthur who was angered and sad. "Give me my- our baby back!" I was shocked when he said our. Even after what what I put him through he still looked as if we where still family. Like nothing ever happened in the past...I heard Francis laugh, "not until you become my queen and bear my children." I grit my teeth. "He's not going anywhere with you!" I hollered angerly, he smirks, "then you'll never see your baby again." I never even noticed the bundle he was holding until he held a knife above it.

"NO DON'T TOUCH HIM!" By now Arthur was crying and sprinting to where Briar was. "I'll go with you please! Just please don't hurt my son...please Francis...." Arthur was gripping Francis's pant leg. "Beg." Said Francis with a smirk, I watched Arthur go down on his knees like a peasant begging for spare money. "Please, don't hurt my child...please don't..." Francis smirks, "fine I won't." Arthur quickly stood up taking the baby from Francis crying and sobbing.

"Give Arthur 1 month before you come and get him." Francis nods a bit to willingly and signals Vash that they were leaving and left. I quickly walk over to Arthur and held him close while he sobbed harder in happiness and fear. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered while holding the omega and child close. Arthur looks up at my tired and over joyed, "W-Why?" I felt tears prickle at the corners of my eyes. "I'm so sorry for treating you so wrong...I'm so sorry for treating you like you weren't human... I'm sorry..." I was crying by now repeating sorry over and over again. Arthur sighed, " I forgive you..."

I forgive you....


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