In Which It's Too Early

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(This is where things get jucy~~~~)

::Arthur's POV::

That night the moon shined into the room through the slit curtains illuminating the room a bit. I laid on my bed peacefully sleeping while feeling my child kick and move inside me. That's when I felt it, a sharp intense pain in my abdomen. I hissed in pain, curling my toes and placing my hand on my swollen belly. I suddenly felt a warm liquid trickle down my leg and onto the blue bed sheets. "No, damn it it's to soon!" Panic began to fill my body to the brim, I slowly sat up on the bed and swung my leg over the side of the bed.

I shakily stood up and head towards the door until I felt the pain come back causing me to scream, the guards quickly opened the door seeing me on the ground cringing in pain. I hesitantly look up and glared at them, "What...the bloody hell are you staring for....? GET SOMEONE TO HELP ME!!!" I holler causing them to hurry out hopefully getting the doctor or at least Yao would be some help. I whimpered and whine until another contraction comes.

I close my eyes tightly gritting my teeth in the process, "Arthur!" I look up to see Yao running to my side with the doctor helping me up onto the bed. Sweat began the stream down my face as the contractions came and gone, I screamed and cursed loud enough for the whole entire kingdom to hear. Tears poured out of my eyes as the pain became more intense.

That's when he came in probably his Alpha instincts came into play, "What is with all of this screaming!?!?" He shouts panic showing in his face. "Arthur has gone into labor sooner than intended please wait outside your highness." No no please don't leave...! My mind screamed for Alfred to stay and comfort me. As ordered Alfred left the room worried and flustered the door shuts leaving Yao, a couple of maids, and the doctor with me.

The doctor props up my so he could see how dilated I was, "You still have at leat an hour until its time to push." I let out a whine. Yao stayed with me the whole time holding my hand and saying it was okay and that it will be over soon. Of course I just hollered, cursed and screamed in response, and before I knew it, it was time to push.


"I CAN'T-!" I gripped my thighs desperately keeping them up so the doctor could see the baby. Yao grips my hand tightly while I practically destroyed it, "Yes you can! Do not give up!" I pant heavily whimpering and whining in pain. "Arthur you're going to have to push really hard do you understand?" I nod while gives me a look of confidence, "good. Now push." I do so screaming loudly until my screamed where drowned out by the sound of a weak baby's cries.

After the umbilical cord was cut, Yao and a coupe of maids fussed over the baby checking if it was healthy, being born three weeks early. The doctor cleans up and checks if I'm alright which I was and honestly did not care at the moment. My baby...what about my-

My thoughts were interrupted when Yao brought me a small bundle of blankets to me and handed it to me. I held it with care to see the face of my newborn child sleeping amongst the blanket it was wrapped in. "It's a boy." He says daringly watching me hold him, "a boy~" I echoed smiling down at the child in my arms.

He was small and frail with bright green eyes with platinum blonde hair like me. Though everything else about him was more like Alfred, "H-Hello little one." I cooed smiling softly I leaned against the head board of the bed giggling softly. "Your name hall be...Briar." I whispered gently placing a kiss on the baby's head.

I heard little Briar start to whimper and nuzzle into my chest probably wanting something to eat. I start unbuttoning my nightgown revealing my bare chest. Briar latched onto my nipple and began to suckle and eat, I winced at first because of the weird feeling. Note to self get a bottle... I hear the door open once more and faint whispers caused me to look over to see Alfred and the Doctor talking to one another probably concerning about me or Briar. The doctor places a hand on Alfred's shoulder before leaving.

Alfred looked at me odd probably because I was breastfeeding Briar, he slowly walked towards me and kneels besides the bed. I watch him carefully my protectiveness rising, he reaches over to get a better look only causing me to whimper and growl. His eyes widen in shock and backs away, "S-Sorry..." I mutter scooting a bit closer to Alfred. "What's his name?" He asks me looking at the child with a soft smile. I felt Briar let go of my nipple indicating that he was full, "I named him Briar... Briar Kirkland Jones." Alfred was slightly surprised that I used his last name instead of sticking to just my last name.

"Would you like to hold him Alfred?" He nods violently obviously excited and unable to contain his inner child. I chuckled handing Briar to him, "Don't forget to support his head." I reminded him while he held the baby in his arms. Alfred's face instantly lit up with joy, "H-He's also my kid...right?" I nod, "Of course he is ya git." Alfred smiles softly.

I have a feeling things will be different after this...

Or so I thought...

(Another update!!!???? Omg anyways yay Arthur had a baby...three weeks early... O.o but yeah he had little Briar!!!!

Name: Briar Kirkland Jones

Born: 1:58 am

Have a nice day!!!!)

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