Part 1- Introduction

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It's funny to think about all of the stuff that has happened over the past few months. I mean seriously. If you look at the me I am now and the me I use to be, you probably wouldn't believe that was the same person. You probably would have thought I had a secret twin or something.

In all reality, I probably wouldn't have changed if it wasn't for these dorky guys I met. If it wasn't for them my life would have still been as lame and boring as it was before they entered my life. Who are these guys you ask.... well..... you probably wouldn't believe me even if I told you...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author Note
Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic, and I hope you like it! Let me know if you have questions about anything, or tell me if the story sucks and I'll try to fix it!

Also quick thanks to Bluetiger30 for motivating me to finally write something. Go check out her page!
Happy Reading, Fighting!!

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