Part 20 - Dorky Dudes

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A few hours later we were at JYP in a dance studio. We were here so Mark and Jackson could teach me to fight. It was tough convincing the rest of the guys, but Mark was beyond excited to teach me. 'Hopefully them teaching me will help me defend myself against Jong and her gang.'

I was currently standing in the middle of the room facing a mirror. Behind me the rest of Got7 was sitting on the ground watching. Beside me was Jackson, and in front of me was Mark.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jackson was worried.

"I have to. This has gone on long enough and I'm tired of always being beaten for no reason." I turned to Mark, "what's up first, boss?"

He had a devilish grin plastered on his face, "Just try to stop me."

"Huh? Waaaaaa!" Next thing I know I'm being grabbed by my shirt and slammed against the wall.

"MARK!" The boys yell in unison.

"I told you to stop me." He leaned in whispering, his breath tickling my ear. He let go of my shirt.

"Are you okay?" Jackson touched my shoulder.

"I'm fine. I just wasn't ready." I roll my shoulders.

"First things first," Mark stood back with his arms crossed, "You need to learn how to stop someone when they grab you like that."

He walked over, "This time when I grab at you, slide your arms up between my arms, forcefully jerk my arms away from your shirt, then push at my chest as hard as you can and quickly back away."

He looked at Jackson and smiled. Not realizing he did that to distract me, I look over too. Suddenly I was being jerked again, but this time I reacted immediately. I did exactly what he said to do, and I shoved all of my weight against him. Quickly, I backed over to Jackson.

"Much better." They all grinned at me, "This is going to be so much fun." Mark smirked.

Few Hours Later...

I laid on the ground panting and covered in sweat. Mark and Jackson laid near me panting too. My whole body was sore from being pushed around. I rolled over on my side and looked at Mark. Although it was hard, he was able to teach me all kinds of moves to use to defend myself.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"No problem pipsqueak." He returned the smile.

I then roll over on to my other side and look at the boys. They were absorbed in a weird game that involved flipping a half empty water bottle around. JB saw me looking and came over with an unopened bottle of water.

"Are you okay?" He passed over the water.

"I'm okay."

"Does your head hurt?"

"No." I wiped sweat off my forehead.

"If you want," JB looked down at his hands, "We could take you to get your hair fixed. I mean not that it looks bad..."

He scratched the back of his neck as his face turned red, "Actually, I'd like that." I raised his head so our eyes would meet.

"That would make me feel a lot better. Thank you JB." He grinned and pinched my cheeks.

"You're welcome." He stood up and pulled me up with him, "Come on guys, let's go take Nari to the salon."

"Ne" they replied. We gathered our stuff and left the JYP building.

At The Salon...

"Okay, are you ready to see your hair?" The stylist had me facing the opposite direction of the mirror.

My heart pounded, "Ne"

She slowly turned me around. I gasped. The girl looking back at me looked like a stranger. My hair was fixed. It was cut into a really cute shoulder length bob with layers. Tears welled in my eyes.

"No!! No more crying!" Yugyeom jumped up and took my hand.

"I'm not crying because I'm sad," I looked at them standing behind me, "I'm crying because I'm happy. Thank you so much for helping fix my hair." I stood up and hugged the hairdresser.

"No problem!" She hugged me back.

I turned to the boys, "Well... How do I look?"

"Beautiful." Jackson tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I blushed and looked down.

"Really beautiful." BamBam cupped my cheek.

I blushed harder, "Thanks again guys."

"That's what friends are for," Junior handed me my coat, "Now I think it's time to get you home."

We walked to the door and JB stepped up to hold it open for me. I walked out smiling.


"Yah hyung! Why'd you close the door on us?!?" BamBam rubbed his forehead.

"I only hold doors open for cute girls." He winked at me, then turned at stuck his tongue out at the rest of Got7.

I covered my face to muffle my laughs. 'Is it silly to say I love these dorky dudes?'

I tucked my hands in my coat pockets, and off we went into the cold, dark night.

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