Part 35- Drunk

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Author's Note
Hello lovely readers! Here's a new update after what feels like forever. Sorry, sorry, sorry! Forgive me! School is kicking my butt, but hopefully I will be back on the normal update schedule ^.^

P.S. This story will most likely be completed in around 10 ish more chapters! Thank you for supporting my story, Vote and comment!
HappyReading, Fighting!


It was freezing outside! The sun still hadn't rose yet so it was pitch black and the wind seriously didn't help out. When ever we did find Jackson I'm definitely going to punch him in the freaking face! Him and his childishness *eye roll*

Mark dragged silently next to me. The only thing heard was our footsteps on the pavement. Not even any cars were out yet, "Where do you think he is?" I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.

"There's a tent about two blocks away that he likes to stop at every now and then. Maybe he's there?"

"Can't hurt to look." I sighed, "This whole thing is a mess."

"I know." I glanced at Mark and he was looking up to the starry night.

We continued walking in silence through the eerily quiet streets.


After a while a glowing tent came into view. It was actually really creepy considering everything around us was dark. We approached the tent, and Mark stepped into the half opened flap. I followed. The light was bright for a moment, but slowly my eyes adjusted, and there in the back of the tent's corner was Jackson Wang. He was hunched over and had green bottle covering his table. We started walking over when a voice stopped our actions, "Yah!" It was the owner of the tent.

"Excuse us ma'am, we just came to get our friend." I politely smiled to her.

"One of you needs to pay his bill." I sighed once again and walked over to her.

"How much?" I pulled my wallet out of my pocket.

"25.98" I passed her the money, "By the way, I'm sorry about your friend."

"My friend?" She handed me my change.

"He told me a little about what happened to his friend. A girl friend maybe?" She looked slightly confused. She must be talking about Nari.

"Oh our friend! Yeah..." I looked over and saw Jackson slumping down with Mark trying to hold him up. I pulled his arm around my neck to help out.

"Yeah, he wouldn't shut up after he got a few drinks back. Disturbed some of the other customers. Said his friend was in the hospital and he missed her. He must really care about her. He wouldn't stop talking about her." She looked us over with a pitying look.

Mark gave me a weird look, then looked down at Jackson. I just rolled my eyes again at Jackson's stupidity, "Oh, well thank you ma'am." I gave her a small smile as we made our way to the exit with Jackson pulling us both down.

"Be safe now, you hear!" She smiled, and out back into the night we went.


My body felt heavy. I tried to move and sit up, but something was preventing me. My head was pounding. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times. I was in a room. A hospital room to be exact. Mom sat next to me in a chair asleep. I was extremely confused. Before I could even move a nurse came into the room.

"You're awake! How are you feeling honey?" She walked over and pulled out a chart from the bottom of the bed.

"I can't move, and my head hurts." I tried sitting up but failed.

"It's the side affects of the tranquilizer the doctor gave you." She walked over and looked at the machines next to my bed.

"Tranquilizers?" I was extremely confused.

"To help you rest. I'll go get the Doctor so he can examine you." She turned and left. I looked over to the clock on the wall. It was only 6 in the morning. I tried to remember why I was here, but my mind was foggy. Suddenly a man in a while lab coat came in. He looked up and pulled on his glasses. He looked familiar, but I couldn't think of from where...

"Hello Nari, how are you?" He flipped through my chart.

"I'm okay..."

"How is your head feeling?" He strolled over and pulled a little light from his pocket. Suddenly I remembered where I saw him before.

"You're the doctor who gave me the shot earlier?" My heart started beating fast. One of the machines next to me started beeping faster as well. He quickly looked over at it, then back to me.

"I am. Now you're safe here okay? No one will harm you. Take a few deep breaths." He watched the machine next to me.

"Where are the guys?" The heaviness in my chest started to return.

"Nari, breathe." He spoke in a very soft voice, "Follow me, in, out, in, out." He started deeply breathing in and out. I was hesitant at first, but then started copying him. Slowly the heaviness started to fade, and my heart calmed down. The machine next to me slowed in beeping too.

"Good. Stay calm. It's just you and your mother here. I sent the guys away. Now do you know what happened earlier when you woke up?" He sat in the empty chair opposite to me.

"Yes. I had a panic attack." I felt ashamed of myself. I thought I was finally able to control those, but I guess not.

"Can you tell me why? Remember you are safe here. If you feel another attack coming on tell me." He watched me with sincere eyes.

"Because I was scared." I breathed a few breaths to stay calm.

"Do you want to tell me why?" I was nervous. I was really nervous of what he would think.

"Because of my friends being here." Tears pooled in my eyes.

"I see." He leaned over and handed me a tissue, "I have two daughters too, so I understand."

"You have two daughters?" He nodded, "What are their names?"

He slightly smiled, "One of them is named, Mina."

That name clicked in my head. The girl who helped me after the attack had the same name. My eyes widened at the realization.

"Yes, my daughter was the one who helped at the laser tag place." He took off his glasses to clean them, "She knew you came to my hospital, so she's been asking about you."

I perked up, "Can I meet her? To thank her?" He put his glasses back on and looked at me.

"I don't see why not. As long as you feel up to it."

"Yes, I think I'm okay." I sat up and leaned on a pillow.

"Okay, I'll bring her in a few hours okay?" He stood up to go, "Maybe you can talk to her, she's a good listener." At that he turned and left the room.

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