Chapter 1

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I wake up to the smell of waffles.

Sitting up, I look around the spare room that I've been sleeping in since I arrived at Neville's a few months ago.

While I was with Neville, Dad was taking the time to find a job, but it wasn't easy seeing as he's a werewolf and no one wants to hire him.

Seeing as it was almost the middle of August, our Hogwarts letters should be arriving any day now. Smiling, I get out of bed and look towards my Hogwarts trunk. I wrap my robe around myself as I brush through my knotted hair.

A knock comes from the door as I set my brush down.

"Come in!"

The door pushes open to reveal a smiling Neville.

"Oh good. You're awake! Gran said to tell you breakfast is ready." He tells me. I nod in response as I go over to give him a hug.

"Thanks Nev. I'll be down in 10." I say with a smile. He leaves and I shut the door behind him.

I walk over to my closet and rummage through to pick out a decent outfit.

One thing is for sure, I'm definitely going to need some more jeans before we leave for Hogwarts.

After I pull the shirt over my head, I ruffle my hair before changing it into a light brown. Curling it quickly, I smile before putting on some chap stick and walking out of my room.

I walk into the kitchen and take my spot beside Neville

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I walk into the kitchen and take my spot beside Neville.

"Morning!" I say cheerfully.

"Morning dear." Augusta says back.

I smile at Neville and he returns it. I grab a plate and put two chocolate chip ones on it and give it to Neville. He does the same only mine are blueberry.

Neville's grandma smiles and laughs. "I still find it cute how you two get each others food." We both blush and I grab a cup, filling it with milk. I set it in front of Neville and he sets my cup filled with orange juice, in front of me.

We finish breakfast and I help Augusta clear the table. "Thank you dear. Now run along with Neville."

I nod and go into the sitting room do see Neville reading the journal I gave him three months ago. "Hey Nev." I say as I enter the room.

He jumps slightly and holds his hand to his chest. "Joesy! You scared me!" I laugh and he smirks. "Oh you think that's funny do you?" I bite my lip and shake my head.

He puts the journal down and comes over to me. I back up until I hit a wall and Neville comes closer. "Say you're sorry." I shake my head. "NEVER!!" He shrugs and tickles my sides causing me to squeal and jump.

"N-Nev!! S-Stop it!! P-please ha-ave m-mercy!!!" He shakes his head. "Say Neville Longbottom is the funniest guy in the world!!" I shake my head and he moves his fingers to my stomach. I squeal and finally give in. "N-Neville Lo-ongb-bottom is t-the f-funniest g-guy in t-the w-world!!"

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