Chapter 18

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Weeks Later

I feel something spicy on my lips and then all of a sudden my hands get tingly. I move my fingers and blink quickly. I also get a tingle in my legs. Slowly, I sit up and look around the Hospital Wing. A smile makes it's way onto my face when I see all the other petrified students waking up as well.

"Joesy!" Someone calls from my right side. I turn and my eyes widen when I see a smiling Hermione looking at me. "Mione!"

We both get off our bed and embrace each other quickly. Looking down at the two of us, I wave my hands and changes Hermione's uniform into a fresh one as well as my old outfit into a new one.

"Thanks Joesy." Hermione smiles at me, causing me to nod.

I also fix Hermione's hair, as much as I can anyways, and also tame mine

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I also fix Hermione's hair, as much as I can anyways, and also tame mine.

"Come on! It's the last day of term. It's the feast!" Hermione says anxiously. I nods and follow after Hermione, who takes off in a run causing me to laugh as I chase her.

We slow down when we get in front of the Great Hall, and I smile as all the houses are talking again and in a much better mood.

Sir Nicholas the ghost comes over to us and for once, we smile at him. "Hermione! Joscylene! Welcome back!" He says to us kindly. "Thanks Sir Nicholas." We say in unison. He nods and flies after another ghost.

I look down the Gryffindor table and point towards the group of boys towards the middle of the table. I make eye contact with Neville who points towards us. "It's Hermione and Joesy!" my boyfriend says shoving Ron, Harry, Rigel, Seamus and Dean. The other five boys look over and smile wide. Hermione looks to me with a smile before we start running once again. The boys get up from the table and stand, waiting for Hermione and I.

I launch myself into Neville's arms and smile into his shoulder. "I missed you." I hear him say. I smile big and give him a kiss. "Hey, stop hogging her!" Rigel's voice says. Neville blushes and releases me before I quickly give hugs to Seamus, Dean and Rigel.

I return to Hermione's side and smile. "Congratulations. We can't believe you solved it!" We say in unison. "Well we had loads of help from the two of you. We couldn't have done it without ether of you." Harry says.

Suddenly Professor McGonagall clinks her glass. "May I have your attention please." She says. This causes me and my friends to all sit down at the table. Dumbledore stands. "Before we begin, let us give a hand to Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey. Who's mandrake juice has been successfully given to all those who had been petrified."

Everyone in the great hall starts clapping. "As a school treat, all exams have been cancelled!" Dumbledore says. Cheers erupt from the entire student body. Hermione, however, groans and bangs her head on the table, causing me to laugh.

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall open and Hagrid walks in slowly. "Sorry I'm late. The owl who sent my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." Hagrid says.

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