Chapter 10

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I head into the Great Hall and find that every girl at every table seemed to be buzzing with excitement. I walk over to the Gryffindors and sit down next to Neville and Ron.

"What's all the buzz about?" I ask my friends, which causes Hermione to look up from her book. "Lockhart is starting a dueling club." She tells me dreamily. I look at her with my eyebrows raised. "Is he now?" She nods and goes back to her book.

Shaking my head, I turn to the boys as they eat their lunch. "Hello boys." I say, as I push the idea of the dueling club out of my head and focus on the boys. "Hey Joesy." Seamus and Dean say in unison.

I smile at the both of them before grabbing a small turkey leg. "Hello love." Nev says before kissing my cheek. I lay my head on his shoulder and wave my fingers to Harry and Ron.

"So has anyone did anything rambunctious today?" Once those words come out of my mouth Ron and Harry's heads immediately drop. "What did you two do?" I sigh.

"Well I have detention with Lockhart tonight and Ron has detention with Filch." Harry tells me sadly.

I shake my head and grab a book nearby which happens to be Hermione's charms book. I hit Ron on the arm as well as Harry. They both cry out in pain and I smirk.

"That outta teach you to not be so stupid and get detention." I say smartly.

Hermione grabs her book back quickly, also giving me a glare, causing me to shrink behind Neville and Ron. Neville laughs at me and pushes me up so we can walk out of the hall. Ron and Harry run ahead which makes me chuckle.

I give Neville a kiss on the cheek before I turn the other way and back towards Dumbledore's office.

~~~~Later on that day~~~~

Dumbledore excuses me for the day so I pick up my books and grab my bag. I push open the door and begin to descend the stairs. However, as I reach the corridor floor, a hissing noise reaches my ears.

Kill...I'm going to kill...I smell blood...

I take off running in the direction of the voice and suddenly crash into something, sending me and my books flying to the floor. "Joesy?" An Irish accent says as it reaches my ears. I smile as I look up because I know who that Irish accent belongs to. "Hiya Seamus. Mind helping me off this here floor yay?" I ask while holding out my hand.

Seamus grabs it and pulls me up. I dust myself off and smile when I see Neville picking up my books. Dean hands me my bag and I put my books in it once Neville hands them to me. "Ahh. Hello lads." They smile and say hello back. I go to say something else and that's when I hear it again.

Kill....kill....bring me the blood...

I take off running again, leaving the boys behind me. "Joesy! Slow down!!" My friends say from behind me. That doesn't stop me though, as I follow the sound of the voice.

Stopping, I look down at the ground as my shoes and socks are suddenly soaked. Looking around, I see Myrtle's bathroom was flooded. The boys stop beside me and gasp, causing me to look up at the wall. I look up at the walls and gasp as well.

Written on the wall of the corridor in what looks like blood are the words: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware.

I hear running footsteps behind us so I quickly turn around, only remembering there was water on the floor when I slip and instantly get soaked. I groan as I smack my head on the floor.

Neville pulls me up and I ring out my hair. Harry, Ron and Hermione come up beside me and read the message as well.

"Oh no. Is that Filches cat?" Hermione asks, her voice cracking slightly. I look up at the torch post and see it is indeed Mrs Norris. At the sight of the cat hanging from its tail, I turn around and buried my face in Neville's chest.

I hear more rushing footsteps and multiple people gasp. I pull away from Neville and see the teachers and all of the students. Up front is Draco with a sneer on his face. "Enemies of the heir beware? You'll be next mudbloods."

Astoria pushes her way to the front and slaps him on the shoulder. "Be nice." She whispers. The teachers read the message and gasp. Madam Pomfrey puts her hands to her mouth, as does Sprout and McGonagall.

Dumbledore's voice rings through the corridor. "All students head back to their common rooms. Accept, you seven." Dumbledore says, causing my friends and I to stop suddenly.

"What happened here?" He asks us calmly.

"He killed my cat! That's what happened!" Filch says nastily, pointing a finger at Harry.

"She is not dead Argus, simply petrified. Professor Sprout has a great group of Mandrakes, that once fully grown will be able to help heal her." Dumbledore says, causing Professor Sprout to nod in return.

"Headmaster, if I may, I don't recall seeing Potter, Weasley or Lupin at dinner." Snape says, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ah, that would be my doing. Harry was with me in detention answering my fan mail." Lockhart says.

"Yes and I had Miss Lupin in my office, and I recall Mr. Weasley had detention with Mr. Filch." Dumbledore says to Snape. He glares at us all and turns with a flick of his cape.

"Now, straight to your common rooms, immediately." Dumbledore says to us. He turns and motions for the teachers to follow him, before he walks hastily back down the corridor to his office, with the teachers following.

My friends and I don't say a word as we walk back to Gryffindor Tower. As we walk, I wave my hand around myself to dry my clothes and hair, as well as everyone's shoes.

We reach the portrait hole's and I grab Neville's hand, pulling him towards our portrait when we get to the landing in front of the portraits.

Neville says the password and pulls me inside behind him. He hugs me once we get inside and I jump at the sound of the portrait shutting. Nev kisses my forehead softly to calm down my nerves. He looks into my eyes and smiles softly. "Let's get you to bed okay?" He says.

I nod, too frightened to say anything. He grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs and to my room. Grabbing my night clothes, Neville hands them to me before stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door to head to his room. I lay my cloak on the back of my desk chair and dress quickly before braiding my hair loosely.

I look at the mirror on the back of my door and see that my hair has turned a light purple. I understood why, seeing as I just witnessed a petrified cat hung by its stiff tail and the supposed Chamber of Secrets was open.

Neville comes back into my room also changed into his pajamas. I smile weakly as he walks over and kisses my hairline. I walk over to my bed and pull back the covers before climbing in. I hold the covers up and he gets in beside me. Neville pulls the covers over us as I snuggle into him. He kisses my head and claps his hands, turning off the lamp. I fall asleep listening to his calming heartbeat.


Majorly updated this chapter! Hope you like it.

xoxo Potterhead0227

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