Chapter 3

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It's Wednesday morning and Neville, Augusta and I are getting ready to go to Diagon Alley. I pull out my outfit that dad sent me for an early birthday present.

My birthday is Friday and dad has to deal with his furry problem so he sent it to me yesterday. I pull it on and look at myself in the mirror.

I put on the necklace and bracelet from Neville and grab my bag with the extension charm on it

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I put on the necklace and bracelet from Neville and grab my bag with the extension charm on it. As I walk out the door I grab my list, sticking it in my bag before I make my hair waist length, and white.

Neville meets me at the bottom of the stairs and we head to the sitting room. Augusta is already there and holding the floo powder. The two of us put on our school cloaks before Neville grabs some powder.

Once Neville vanishes, I grab some powder and follow after him. "DIAGON ALLEY!" Then I'm engulfed in green flames.

I appear in one of Diagon Alleys many fireplaces. I step out and look for Neville. As soon as I spot him, he spots me. He comes over and dusts off my clothes while I dust off his. For the fun of it I ruffle his hair and he scowls as he pats it back down.

I glance to make sure no ones looking before I wave my hand causing the remaining dust and soot to disappear from the both of us. He gives me a quick peck on the lips just as Augusta comes in the fireplace.

She steps out and waves her wand clearing herself from dust and soot. "Alright dears, I'm going to run some errands so you take your lists and get your things. Stick together and meet up at the bench outside of Ollivanders."

She walks off and I pull out the supply list from my bag. "Love, where are we meeting our friends at again?" Neville asks.

"Um, Flourish & Blotts I believe. Apparently Gilderoy Lockhart is doing a book signing plus we need to get our books anyway." He nods and grabs my hand as I lead the way.

As we walk up to Flourish & Blotts I see the rest of the gang already outside. "Mione!" She turns her head at the sound of my voice and her face breaks into a grin as she sees me.

"Joesy!" She runs up to me and gives me a big hug. I giggle and she releases me. "I've missed you!!" We say is sync. Neville chuckles before walking over to talk to the boys.

"You've grown Joesy! By the way, I love that outfit!!" I blush and look down at my outfit. "Thanks! My dad got it for me since my birthday is Friday." She stops me. "Your birthday is when?" "Friday?" I say but it comes out more like a question.

She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the boys. "Guess who didn't tell us her birthday is Friday!" All the boys beside Neville gasp. "Joe! How could you not of told us?" Seamus asks me softly.

I frown and look down. "Maybe it's b-because I've never celebrated my b-birthday before. At the o-orphanage they could c-care less." I say softly with tears running down my cheeks.

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