Chapter 16

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All of my friends follow me out of the castle and over to the courtyard. I stand far away and ask them to do the same so they don't get hurt.

I take a deep breath and focus. Soon enough, I have a ball fire and water in one hand and a ball of earth in the other. I have yet to master all four so I lied when I said I could.

My friends gasp and Anika comes over. She touches my hand and soon both our fires are connected. We look at each other and gasp. "Wow" we both say excitedly. This leads us to giggle.

Suddenly we hear Professor McGonagall's voice. "Will all students please report to the Great Hall. Thank you." Then her voice is gone.

I look at my friends and they nod before following me. Neville runs up beside me and grabs my hand. I know what meeting this is. All the students who are leaving for the holidays are leaving now.

All of a sudden, Lily is flying in front of me. I let go of Neville's hand and grab the letter from her. Hastily I rip it open and skim through it. "Yes!" I say excitedly when I get to the bottom of the letter. My friends all look at me funny. I blush.

"Sorry. I got excited." "Ya, We can tell Joesy." Seamus says. I pout and stick out my bottom lip. My friends laugh and we start walking towards the castle again. Soon we appear in the Great Hall and Neville opens the doors for us all. Everyone walks behind me as I go in first.

Once every student is in the Great Hall, Dumbledore stands. "The train will be at the station in 15 minutes. Perfect if last minute packing is needed. All those that are leaving are dismissed." Dumbledores says. Seamus, Dean, and I stand up. "Neville, come on." I say.

He looks at me strangely. "L-love, I'm not going home." He says starting to tear up. "No no. You may not be going home, but your coming with me." I say, quickly hugging him at the end of my sentence.

His eyes widen. "W-what? Really?" I smile and nod. "Yeah. You are." He jumps up and pulls me into a hug. "Oh I can't believe it!! Your amazing!!" I giggle as he lifts me up into the air.

"Come on love. We have to get you re-packed." I say with a giggle when he sets me down. He nods and pulls me towards the passage to our dorm portrait.

Once we get to our portrait, Neville says the password and we go inside. He runs up to his room and then brings down his trunk all in a span of five minutes. "Woah. That was fast Nev." I say. "I didn't unpack silly. I just left it be." He says sassily.

I nod and run up stairs to get mine. I grab the trunk, my bag with the undetected expansion charm on it and put it on my shoulder before grabbing the bag with everyone's presents in it.

I walk down and set my trunk by Neville's and walk over to the Gryffindor entrance. "Godric." It opens and I walk in. All my friends are sitting by the fire so I walk over. "Hey guys. Your presents are in here. Could you possibly give Tabby, Luna, Astoria, and Rigel theirs please?" I ask sweetly.

Hermione nods and pushes me back over to the door. She hands me two bags. One for Nev and the other for me that has everyone's presents to us in them. "Thanks Mione. Have a Happy Christmas." I say, giving her a hug before I put my bag of presents in my messenger bag. "Thanks Joesy. You too."

I leave the room and the portrait shuts. "Here Nev. These are your presents from everyone else." He nods and takes the bag, sticking it in his trunk. "Let's go." He grabs my hand and leads me out. To avoid taking our trunks down all the stairs, I levitate them behind us.

We get to the bottom corridor and I set down the trunks. I lead Neville out the front doors and we then make our way down to the train station. Neville grabs both trunks and gives them to the guy before coming back over to me and grabbing my hand. I walk in first and start looking for a compartment.

Finally, I find one at the very back of the train. We get in and sigh as we sit down. "So Nev, you ready for Christmas?" I say excitedly. He nods. "Yeah. I'm really excited actually. So is your dad picking us up?" He asks. I nod in response.

Soon the trolley last comes through. "Anything from the trolley dears?" She asks us kindly. "Yes please." I say as I stand up. "I'll take two pumpkin pasties, a box of every flavored beans, and four licorice wands." She hands me the candy and I pay her.

I sit back down beside Neville and give him his pumpkin pastie, and his two licorice wands. We munch on candy talking about little things until we get to the station. Waving my hand over the empty wrappers, they disappear.

I glance out the window and squeal. "Regarde! Il y a mon papa! Allez Nev, allons-y!!" ( Look! There's my dad! Come on Nev, let's go!! ) Neville laughs as I grab his hand and pull him out of the compartment. We go over to retrieve our trunks and then head over to my dad. "Hello princess and hello Neville." Dad greets us when we get over to him.

"Hi dad!" I say excitedly. "Hello Remus. Thanks for letting me stay." Neville says politely. Dad waves it off and takes my trunk. "No problem Neville. It's the least I can do since you keep an eye on my pup when I can't." Dad says. I smile up at him and grab Neville's hand. "Come on Nev's. Let's go to the fireplace." I say.

We step in and dad hands me a handful of floo powder. "Lupin cottage!!" I yell as I drop the powder. Soon we're engulfed in green flames and whisked away.

We appear in the cottage with our trunks. I step out and Neville follows. "Come on Nev's. I want to show you my room!" I say. Neville sets down his trunk and grabs mine as I bounce up the stair case. I push open my door and go in. Neville follows and sets my trunk at the end of my bed. "Woah. Your room is nice love." He says. I smile and sit on my bed.

After an hour of sitting around my room talking dad yells up the stairs. "Kids! Dinners ready!" Neville and I stand up and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. On the table dad has made chicken alfredo.

"Ooh! My favorite!!" Neville and I say at the same time. We look at each other and burst out laughing. Dad chuckles and dishes out the food. Neville and I tell dad what's been happening at school so far and he nods. He laughs at some parts, like the parts where we tell him about Seamus blowing stuff up.

When we get done eating it's 9:00 and Neville and I are tired so we say good night to dad and head up. "Good night princess. Sleep tight." Neville says, kissing me softly before going into the guest room right beside mine. I smile softly and head into my room. I change into my pajamas and crawl into bed.


Another update! Comment suggestions if you guys have them!

xoxo Potterhead0227

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