Chapter 5

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The Great Hall doors burst open and McGonagall comes in, leading the new batch of first years. Upon them, I see Ginny and Astoria. I wave at Astoria and she waves back.

Professor McGonagall unravels the scroll and is about to say the first name when Snape walks in, looking as dramatic as ever. He walks up to Dumbledore and they exchange a few words before Dumbledore walks over to McGonagall. Her eyes widen and all three Professors then walk over to me, causing my eyes to widen.

"Miss Lupin, we have to go and take care of something. Would you please take over the sorting?" Professor Dumbledore asks me kindly. I hesitantly nod and stand up, my friends looking at me with eyes of encouragement.

McGonagall hands me the scroll and I make my way up to the stool, tapping my wand against my thigh to change into my red and black robes. I open up the scroll and call out the first name.

"Colin Creevey!"

A small little boy comes stumbling up the stairs and sits on the stool. I place the hat on his head and stand back.


I yell out more names and Slytherin gets a few, Hufflepuff gets two and Ravenclaw gets a handful. Gryffindor only has gotten Colin. I finally get down to the 'G'.

"Astoria Greengrass!"

I set the sorting hat on her head and the hat begins to think. Suddenly the hat speaks out loud. "I can't place this child. She doesn't have a single trait that outweighs the other."

The Great Hall goes silent at his words. Dumbledore and the others come walking back in. The hat speaks again. "Dumbledore, the crest bag is needed for this child."

He turns to McGonagall and she nods before making her way back out of the great hall. Dumbledore walks up to us and stands beside me. He lays his hand on Astoria's shoulder and leans over to her ear.

"You my dear, are a very special girl. Great things are expected from you. Soon, you are about to receive an honor that no one else has been given since the year the school was founded. The ability to choose your own house."

McGonagall comes waltzing back into the Great Hall with the crest bag. She holds it open in front of Astoria. Astoria hesitantly puts her hand in the bag and moves it around.

She then pulls out the silver and green snake. Slytherin. Astoria walks off and over to the Slytherin table. I watch Draco come over and talk to her before she stands and sits beside him. I get on with the sorting and finally get to the last student.

"Ginevra Weasley!"

"Ah, another Weasley and hopefully the last. Gryffindor!!"

All of Gryffindor erupts into cheers and screams. I smile and take the sorting hat off her head. Dumbledore comes over and whispers in my ear. "Miss Lupin, I am very much aware of all of your friends in Gryffindor but I'd like you to sit at a different table just for tonight. Also, have you found a prince yet?"

I nod as a blush creeps onto my face. "Bring him to my office after dinner. I happen to like licorice wands." With that he leaves and I head over to the Gryffindor table to explain my dilemma.

My friends all nod in understanding as they realize that a Hogwarts Princess needs to associate with other houses. I kiss Neville on the cheek before debating on which house.

I have Tabby in Hufflepuff, Luna in Ravenclaw and Blaise and Astoria in Slytherin. After much debating I finally decide to go over to the Slytherin table.

I look over at the Gryffindor table and see Neville watching me. He nods his head and moves his hands in a going motion. I look at him sadly and he returns it. I sigh and walk over to the Slytherin table.

I sit down amongst the second and first years. The first years in Slytherin are very rude. Some not so nice words are coming out of their mouths that they shouldn't be saying until fifth year!

Suddenly Blaise comes over. "How dare you be rude to the chocolate princess!!" Astoria also comes to my defense. "Not to mention the Princess of Hogwarts!! Do you guys not see the crown atop her head??"

The first years bow their heads in shame and converse among themselves. I turn to Blaise and Astoria. "Thank you so much!" They smile and sit beside me.

Draco comes over and whispers in Astoria's ear. She stands and waves to me before following Draco out of the hall. I finish eating my food while talking to Blaise.

We share a piece of chocolate cake (no surprise there) and get up to leave. Maybe Slytherin's aren't so bad after all.

I make my way over to Neville and he smiles. "Are you okay love?" I nod and pull him into a hug. "Dumbledore wanted us to come to his office after dinner." He nods and we wave bye to our friends before Neville takes my hand and leads the way to Dumbledore's office.


We appear in front of the gargoyle and I step up to it. "Licorice Wands." The gargoyle jumps and the spiral stairs appear. Neville grabs my hand and steps on first, leading us up to the door. I knock on the door and wait for a response. "Come in Miss Lupin and Mr Longbottom."

Neville opens the door and we find Dumbledore sitting at his desk. "Ah, Miss Lupin, it this your prince?" I nod and wrap my hand around Neville's arm.

Dumbledore nods before standing up and coming in front of us. "I will perform a series of spells. Be ready." We both nod and he raises his wand.

He begins performing bonding spells. After he does at least 5 different spells he stops. "This last one will create a slight pinch. On the back of your left wrist Miss Lupin and the back of your right wrist Mr Longbottom, a tattoo will appear. A cursive N and J bounded together."

We both nod and Dumbledore raises his wand. "Bound Tattoo!" I suddenly get a pinch on my right wrist. I look down and see a small light on my wrist. Neville grabs my free hand with his free hand and smiles.

I lay my head on his shoulder as the light disappeared. Both of us raise our wrists to see a beautiful combination of the two first letters of our names.

"Thank you Professor." He nods and turns to Neville. "Your things have been moved to the Royal Dorm Mr Longbottom. Now, with all the spells I have performed on you tonight, the final one is the most important. It will let you know what the other is feeling, and if one of you were to try and break the bond it would hurt you both severely. Now, have a good night." Dumbledore says.

We leave the office confused but nonetheless bid Dumbledore a good night. I grab Neville's hand as we walk down the staircase.

After a short walk to Gryffindor Tower, we appear in front of the four founders portrait next to the Fat Lady. "Password?" I turn to Neville and he smiles. "Alice." I put my hand to my chest. "Awe, Nev. Really?" He nods and smiles lightly.

I turn back to the portrait and whisper Alice. They nod and open the portrait. We make our way up the stairs and stop at the top in front of my door. I turn to Neville and give him a hug and a small kiss. "Goodnight love." Neville says as I step up to my door. "Gnight Nev." I say as I open my door.

Deciding to unpack tomorrow I pull my pajamas from my trunk and slip into them before crawling into my bed and shutting off my lamp.


There's another chapter done and edited! Hope you enjoy it.

xoxo Potterhead0227

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