Chapter 2

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I suck in a breath. Did Neville just ask me out? Okay Joscelyne, deep breath. Just relax and you'll be fine.

I look into his eyes and see nothing but hope. Something I haven't seen in his eyes since the first day I met him.

"Y-Yes!!" I tell him.

He lets out a breath and stands up. He pulls me up with him and brings me close to him. I lean in and give him a quick kiss.

We look at each other  and he rests his forehead on mine. "You won't believe how long I've waited to do that." He whispers nervously.

I smile and pull him into a hug. "Can we go in? I'm getting a bit chilly." He nods and grabs my hand.

"Of course princess." He says softly.

We head back up and into the house. By time we get upstairs it's already dark out. I drop his hand and go into 'my' room to change. I grab my pajamas and strip from my bathing suit.

I keep my hair in a French braid but make it completely white

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I keep my hair in a French braid but make it completely white. Its one of my most frequently used colors. There's a knock on my door and Neville comes in.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind but I told gran. She was static. She also said that your my. That your my um A-Alice." I smile gently.

Augusta thinks that Neville is Frank and I'm Alice. I walk over to Neville and give him a tight hug. "It's okay Nev. Deep breaths." He nods and breaks the hug. "Thanks love."

I smile and walk over to my desk. "Could I use Leslie? Lily's out delivering letters and I'd kind of like to tell my dad." I ask, looking at Neville.

"Oh, of course love. Go ahead." He says back.

I thank him and grab some parchment and my favorite white owl quill.

You'll never guess what happened today. Neville asked me to be his girlfriend! I miss you Dad, how's the job search going? Any luck? Am I still going to see you at the station?

Love You, Joesy

I put it in an envelope and seal it before whistling for Leslie. He comes down and I put the letter in his beak. "Take this to my dad Remus Lupin." He hoots and flies off.

I turn back around and see Neville laying down on my bed. "Comfy Nev?" He lifts his hand up in the form of a thumbs up and I chuckle. "Move over."

He scoots over a bit and I lay beside him. I lay my head on his chest and he rubs his hand in circles on my back. We soon fall asleep listening to each other's heartbeats.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

I wake up to pecking on the window. I gently move Neville's arm and move to the window to see Lilly. I let her in and she lands on the desk. Neville shifts on the bed and his eyes open.

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