Chapter 12

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I head over to Astoria and Draco. "Hey guys." I say softly. They both nod and Astoria gives me a hug. "Hello Miss Princess." Astoria says to me jokingly. I laugh and hug her back. I nod to Draco and he nods.

"Hey um listen Joscylene, I'm really sorry about the other day with Granger. I'm trying to change." Draco says softly. I step back in shock. "R-really?" He nods and I smile.

"That's great Draco. Let me know if I can be of any help okay?" He nods as him and Astoria grab hands and start walking down to their common room.

I turn around and accidentally bump into someone sending us both to the floor. I stand up quickly. "Oh my Merlin. I'm so sorry." I help the boy up and he blushes. "It's alright love. I'm Rigel. Rigel Black." He says quietly. My eyes widen when he says Black.

I smile. "Hello Rigel. I'm Joscylene. Joscylene Lupin. Our dad's used to be best friends." We shake hands and I look at his tie. "Oh! You're a Gryffindor. How come I've never seen you?" I ask him. He blushes.

"I'm new. Just got sorted actually." He informs me. I nod. "Well come on then. My main house is Gryffindor." He nods but looks confused. "Main house? Aren't you only supposed to be in one- wait, you're the Hogwarts Princess!" I nod again, smiling instead of the usual blushing "That I am Rigel. That I am."

We continue talking as I lead him towards the Gryffindor common room. "So, where have you been? I mean with your dad in Azkaban? Sorry if that, offended you in any way." I say quickly, not realizing that that could be a sensitive subject.

He just shakes his head. "It's alright and I've been at an orphanage believe it or not." My eyes widen. "Seriously? I was in an orphanage up until the beginning of last school year!" Now it's his turn for his eyes to widen. "No way. Really? That is so crazy. Which one was it?" He asks.

"It was one in France." I say because I don't really remember the name of it. "Was the head lady Madam Turf?" He asks. "Yeah! That was her. Were we at the same orphanage?" I ask him. He nods. "I was in the boy ward, that's probably why we didn't ever see each other, you know how she hated it when genders mixed." Rigel says, which makes me nod.

Wow. Small world.

By time we finish this conversation we're at the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Password?" The Fat Lady asks. "Fairy Lights." I say. She nods and the portrait opens. I immidiately turn to Rigel. "Remember that, or else you won't be able to get in." I tell him. He nods quickly. I lead Rigel into the common room. "Mione! Harry, Ron, Dean, Seamus! Come down here please!" I yell since my friends aren't in the common room.

Soon I hear all five of them plus another person come down stairs. Neville. "Jay? Who's this bloke?" Seamus asks me. Neville looks at him and then to me and suddenly leaves the common room and goes to ours.


"Um, Rigel, why don't you introduce yourself while I go talk to Neville yeah?" He nods and I wave to my friends quickly before dashing off through the portrait after Neville.

As soon as I walk into my common room I hear crying. I groan and quietly walk to the sound and end up at Neville's door. "Nev? Can I come in?" I say softly, knocking on the door. "N-n-no. Y-you may n-not. I d-don't want to s-see y-you." He says from behind the door.

I whimper in pain. "Do you mean that Nev?" I ask hoping he doesn't mean it. "Y-y-yes." I feel my arm go numb and I let out a sob before running down the stairs and out of the common room.

I can't think of any other place to go so I get on a stair case and wait for it to turn, so that I can go to the seventh floor since no one ever come up here.

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