Chapter 13

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Joesy POV

I wake up and look around confused. I look over at the guitar and all the events of yesterday come back into my memory. Pushing back the covers, I get up walk over to the mirror on the wall. My eyes are bloodshot, and my hair is still black. I sigh and decide to go ahead and get dressed.

I walk over to the dresser that is connected to my dresser in the Royal Dorm and pick out an outfit. I put on my long sleeved black shirt and my ripped skinny jeans, then I pull on my favorite black trainers.

I put on some nude lipstick and my jewelry, plus one of mums rings from her jewelry box. Pulling my hair to the side, I quickly put it in a side braid and look at myself in the mirror again.


Looking around the little room, I smile lightly and wish that my room in the Royal Dorm looked like this. Then a thought came to mind.

I found the Room of Requirement. That's awesome.

Packing up my bag, I will it to change into a messenger bag. Once it's around my shoulder, I check and make sure I have everything before I set out towards the Great Hall. I'll probably sit by the Slytherins again since I don't know if Neville's calmed down or not.

I find the portrait that will get me to the main floor across the main hall in a little over 3 minutes. Once I'm in it, I clap my hands and send fire down the tunnel to light up all the torches and start walking.

After a couple of minutes I come to the end of the tunnel. I lightly push on the portrait and peak out to see if anyone was around. No ones in the corridor so I step out and shut the portrait behind me.

I slip into the Great Hall with a group of incoming students and keep my head down as I walk over to the Slytherin table. I look for either Draco or Astoria and soon spot the familiar bleach blond hair.

Draco spots me and waves me over. "Hey Joesy. What's the matter? You look pale today." He asks me when I sit down beside him. As soon as the words come out of his mouth I break down into a fresh set of tears.

His eyes widen and he grabs my hand, pulling me out of the Great Hall. When we're out in the corridor I latch myself onto him, as I sob into his shoulder. He rubs my back before I compose myself a little, straightening my shirt.

I step back and wipe my eyes. "N-Neville and I h-had a f-fight l-last night." I say stuttering some. I here someone gasp behind me so I take my head out of Draco's shoulder. It's Astoria.

"What happened Princess?" She asks softly as she comes up to us. "Draco, what did you do?" she says to him harshly. I just shake my head and bite my lip to keep from crying again. Draco explains it to her and let's go of me so Astoria could hug me. Astoria then opens her arms and I go into them. I sink to the ground and she sinks right next to me.

"Do you want to go lay down in the infirmary?" Draco asks me calmly. I nod and I hear him walking away. However, just as soon as he left, his footsteps come back, followed by another set of footsteps.

"Jay?" The voice says with an Irish accent.


I look up through my tear filled eyes and see him looking down at me since I'm on the ground. "Are you okay love?" He asks gently. I shake my head and start crying again.

Suddenly, I'm scooped off the ground and into someone's arms, causing me to gasp. I wrap my arm around their neck and they carry me to the infirmary. "Jay? Can you tell me what happened with Neville?"

So it was Seamus who picked me up.

"T-too p-painful. N-not y-yet." I say, still stuttering from crying so much. I hear him sigh. "Alright."

We reach the hospital wing and Seamus yells for Madam Pomfrey. She comes bustling out of her office and sees me. "Oh dear. What's the matter with her?" Seamus explains the situation and Madam Pomfrey gasps.

"This isn't good. This isn't good." She mutters. "You just lay her on a bed Mr Finnigan. I need a word with the Headmaster." I hear her leave and Seamus brings me over to one of the beds.

A few minutes pass by and Madam Pomfrey comes hurrying back into the Hospital Wing with Dumbledore, Minnie and Dad. "D-dad!" I call out weakly.

He runs over and scoops me up off the bed. "It's okay Princess. I'm here. I've got you." He says softly as I start crying again. "I-it h-hurts s-so much. W-why?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Perhaps I can answer that Miss Lupin. You see, when I preformed those spells on Mr Longbottom and yourself, a bond was created. That is why you both have those tattoos upon your wrists." Dumbledore says wisely.

For only the second time since I got the tattoo, I study it. A gasp comes out of my mouth when I spotted a difference. Instead of the N being Neville's favorite color, red, it's a midnight black. "S-sir, w-why did it c-change colors?" I ask.

He smiles. "It is because he is in pain. Pain from not being with you my Princess. He misses you deeply." Dumbledore says softly. "I m-miss h-him t-too Sir." I state, tears starting to well up in my eyes again.

Seamus grabs my hand and pulls me to him. "C-can you g-go get him S-Seamus? P-please." I ask him softly. He pulls away from the hug and looks me in the eyes. "Anything for you sis." He stands and kisses my head before walking out of the infirmary.

He calmly walks out of the infirmary, only to break into a run once he's out of the door. I giggle and lay back on dad. He rubs my back for a little while until the infirmary door swings open. All of our heads turn at the sound of it hitting the wall beside it.

Standing in the door way, is Neville. I stand up slowly with the help of Dad and walk over towards him. "N-Nev?" He looks up from the floor and I see that his beautiful brown eyes are all red and watery. Upon seeing this, I start crying again. "I m-made you c-cry p-princess?" Neville asks, his voice breaking at the end.

I nod my head a bit and soon I'm in a pair of arms. My Neville. I sigh and cuddle into his chest. "I'm so sorry Nev. I shouldn't have brought Rigel in without telling you. We ran into each other in the hallway and he's new so I-" I get cut off with a pair of lips on my own.

We break apart and Neville has a blush on his face. "It was the nicest way to shut you up." He says softly. I giggle and get a tingle feeling in my scalp, meaning my hair finally changed colors.

I grab a lock of it and see that it's gone from black and short to my mums dirty blond waist length hair. Someone gasps from behind me, causing me to turn around. "Y-you opened the box I gave you didn't you?" Dad says.

I nod and let go of Neville as Dad swoops me into a hug. "You look so much like her!" He exclaims. I giggle as he puts me down. I turn back to Neville and feel a slight pain in my wrist.

I gasp and grab ahold of it. Neville has ahold of his too. We both look down and see our tattoos returning to their original colors. I look back at Neville and smile.

Suddenly, I hear a hissing like a few nights ago, meaning the moment between Neville and I was over.

Kill......blood.....must kill....

I take off out of the infirmary with the Professors and Neville behind me. It's later in the day so hardly anyone is in the corridors, and are probably out and about, which is probably a good thing. I get to the stairs just outside of the infirmary and skid to a stop, my eyes widening at the sight in front of me.

There on the stairs, camera and all, is none other than Colin Creevey.

Hello my loves! Please comment and vote!! Love you all!
xoxo Potterhead0227

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