Chapter 15

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It seems as though the next few weeks fly bye. Today is December 20. Christmas is in five days and I'm so excited!!

Neville and I have been reading up on Fairies so that way I knew more about what exactly I was.

I also ended up telling the group, and the girls so Hermione and all my girlfriends are currently helping me look too, seeing as we've all caught up on assignments thanks to Mione. I've sent numerous letters to dad asking about everything and he's kindly told me.

Right now I'm in the Royal Dorm with all my girlfriends and we've all got books on Fairies in our laps. We are also surrounded by parchment so we can make lists of presents for our friends to send down to Hogsmead.

"Oh look what I've found Joesy! It says during a full moon, a half breeded fairy can receive their wings!" Hermione reads off from her book excitedly.

Tabby looks up from her book. "I've found something too. My book states that half breed fairies don't shrink all the way down to the size of a normal fairy. You'll still be small just not as small as the other fairies." I nod and stand up.

"I'm going to grab a lunar calendar so I can see when the next full moon is." I dash up to my room and grab my calendar off my desk. I bring it back down and flip to next month since there's already been a full moon this month. "The third week of January is when the next full moon is." I tell my friends.

They all nod and close all the books and start writing on their parchment. I pick up mine and go through the list of who I have and don't have yet.

Dean: Red and Gold Gryffindor sweater (he complains of his having holes)

Seamus: Irish scarf, gloves and hat (he lost his other set Harry had gotten him last Christmas)

Tabby: New hair bows (she wanted to do a new hair style)

Luna: Mood necklace that also keeps away nargals

Astoria: set of new books that she had been wanting

Hermione: set of new fancy quills and a book on charms

Ron: sweets and new gloves

Harry: best friend scrap book of all the pictures I have of him and I

Rigel: book of different constellations

Neville: haven't decided

Dad: Extra thick brown hoodie

Mrs Weasley: New apron

Mr Weasley: rubber ducks

Augusta: picture of Neville and I

I check my list and sigh. I have everyone ones presents besides Neville's. Christmas is in five days and I can't think of anything to get him. "Girls, major issue!!" I say. All four of them look up. "What's wrong?" They all ask at the same time causing us all to laugh.

"Je ne peux pas comprendre ce que je vais obtenir Neville pour Noël. Il me dérange et il ne reste que cinq jours avant Noël. Que fais-je?" (I can't figure out what I'm getting Neville for Christmas. It's bugging me and there's only five days left until Christmas. What do I do?) I say in French because I'm upset. Hermione sighs and translates what I said to the other girls. They all look at me sadly and start thinking of ideas.

They all throw out ideas and I stop them when I hear Tabby's. "Wait Tabby what did you say?" We all turn towards her and she blushes.

"Get him a new book on Herbology. He's been wanting one for a while. Plus it'll go with the plants you got him last year." She mumbles under her breath. I squeal. "Thank you Tabby!!" I say as I write that on my list.

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