Chapter Nine: Pressed

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Dyan Powers licked his hand and smoothed his slicked back hair.

"What are you doing?" A woman with a neck long trimmed Bob of black hair and green edges armed with a holographic device, stood beside his Ryder.

"Couldn't be better." Dyan struck an overly bright smile, not answering her question. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance!"

"You said that last time we were here." Her monotone voice matched how excited she was about this.

"You see, it's that dull attitude why your behind camera, Gram." The girl shot him a dead-eyed look, her face devoid of any expression.

"It's that happy, chippy attitude why everyone at HQ hates you, Dyan." She retorted. "Can we go in now? It's hot out here."

"Now, That's one thing we can agree on. This planet is as hot as the sun!" Dyan and Gram both headed into the chaotic scene. Reporters, police, and investigators had swarmed the gorgeous courtyard of the Gauntlet training facility of Brax-Delta.

"Halt! Show Identification." A silver drone stopped the duo.

"Oh. Right." Dyan scrambled for his I.D. but Gram had already slipped hers out. The officer scanned it then gave an 'all-clear'. "Thanks for the save, Grammy."

"Never call me that, and I was hoping he would hold you back." She replied.

"Geez, you might want to be careful with that no emotion stuff or Aero Void could confuse you for a Drone!" Dyan teased.

"You might want to want to watch that mouth of yours or I will kick you where the sun doesn't shine." He looked to Gram to see if she was serious, but her face was as plain and bland as a blank canvas. They continued through the crowd until they reached the double glass doors of the main building. They were met with a blast of cold air as they entered. A pure white floor stretched before the duo, black square pillars holding up the glass dome of a roof, in a symmetrical manner. A monochrome style.

"Remarkable!" Dyan enjoyed the scene. Gram shrugged in response. Her bright green eyes found nothing interesting. They continued through the grand hall that was littered with other news outlets and reporters questioning Brax-Delta members, but one man stood out compared to the others. He had a smile, just as big as Dyan's yet more friendly. He sat in a small lounge with 2 males and one female. His kind eyes focused on the camera filming him.

"Now, one thing I'd like to say is: I know this uh... episode got us a lot of attention, but this is not how I want Brax-Delta's image to be seen. We are all dedicated good people, even Aero Void." Major Novak announced.

"But Mr.Novak, are you aware that Miss Void has a record of publicly causing harm to police drones?" The reporter questioned.

"Yes." He was straight forward with his answer. "Before you make any comment; hear me out." A vibe grew over the man. "The first time I had met Aero, I was walking through the old slum in section Z-0921, she walked up to me and asked for some credits. Now, of course, I had more than enough, but I selfishly said 'no, sorry', but I was dazed by her hair, which is as pure white as the Brax-Delta combat suits, and boy did she know it. She gave me a cheap smile and said 'thanks anyway, sir', she raised her hand and I shook it, but as I walked away I noticed my holo-watch was gone, my wallet was gone and my ring was nowhere to be found."

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