I'll do as I said
I'll never forget you
The day I'll find you dead
Part of me dies too.
The night sky is ours
And so is the moon
I'd talk to you for hours
From noon until noon.
If only I could
I'd buy you a star
I haven't understood
Why are you so far?
I promise that one day
I'll move beyond the ocean
Then there'll be only one way
To find you, your motion.
I'll guard you with my life
From no matter what
If it's me who holds the knife
I won't be the one who makes the cut.
We might stop talking
We might never never see each other
I hope you're not thinking
Our friendship's ever over.
As long as I'm breathing
I won't let you die
How could I leave you
Without saying goodbye?
Bezejmenná Sbírka
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