You always treated me so well
I appreciated it
Now I want to jump to well
To feel nothing after hit.I stood by your side
I kept all your secrets
Our every wild ride
Now calls out my regrets.I felt so good near you
Your beauty is so stunning
What else should I do?
To wake next to you by morning.You've got something I've been waiting for
Every day of my life
Right now who am I'm alive for
Everyone sharpens their knife.The fire in your soul
The warmness in your heartThe passion, the love
The compassion
And trust...I've seen you in good times and bad
We both had our share
Many times we wished we're dead
Thought nobody would care.But in bad times we never forgot
That we always have each other
We sometimes came and asked for help
Not one without the other.You are the beauty
I am the beast
But this ain't a story
My life's worth the least.But everything comes to an end
I wish this could last forever
Here I am, and here I stand
We just can't be together.
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