You are so far on map
Yet close to my heart
My mind's in the deadly depth
My heart's torn apart.I want to see you again...
We've so much in common
So why not together?
My life's like a coffin
Let's unite for ever...To be with you...
Right now we are family
Though not bound by blood
We could live happily
To survive the big flood...This ain't a poem anymore...
I know you're a lone wolf
But I can't handle it
You and your happy golf
And me as a corporate...My little girl I love you...
The pain of loneliness
Keeps breaking me down
As part of your happiness
I could wear the crown...Can you hear me?
The first time I've seen you
I knew we'd stay together
Though right now I feel blue
I'll remember you forever...I'm alone, right?...
That day was one of
Most wonderful days of my life
The way back home
Stabbed my heart like a knife...
Bezejmenná Sbírka
PoesíaSem budu přidávat své občasné depresivní a alkoholové výlevy ve formě poezie... Není to kvalitní poezie... Často to ani není poezie... Je to jen plné hloupých citů... Citů jednoho hloupého obyčejného člověka...