If I only knew I'll meet you
I'd go and find you fast
What else I should and could do
To be with you at last?
We'll really see each other
I can't even believe that
Close like sister and brother
Yet far like wolf and pack.
Even though I met you
A couple of days ago
Now all I think of is you
I'm not letting you go.
I can not really think of
My future without you
With all the stars up above
I hope I'll never fail you.
As long as I can stand
I will be here for you
Always I'll hold your hand
Be sure I'll help you walk.
So come with me to the promised land
Do not be afraid
Close your eyes, I will take your hand
There, we'll never be betrayed.
By blood we are bound
By fate we are one
Together forever
And never unbound.
I might be foolish
And so might be you
So what, we are childish
I'll always love you.
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