Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V

I was trying to get to my locker, minding my own business, yet of course I couldn't be left alone. "Hey faggot!" I shuddered, I knew that voice anywhere. Louis Tomlinson. I was all of a suddenly shoved up against the wall and I winced in pain. "You thought I let you leave for a three day weekend with out a beating?" He smirked, punching me in the stomach. "God your just a worthless fag." He spat,backing away from me and walking out. "See you Tuesday faggot!" He yelled over his shoulder and laughed. I picked my self up, only to wince in pain again. I lifted up my shirt to see a bruise already forming. How I managed to be in love with him, was beyond me. Only I could be in love with a guy who had bullied me since middle school. Considering that we were seniors, that was a long time. I walked home, considering I lived practically right next to the school. Louis wasn't only my bully and my crush, but he also lived just down the street from me. I walked in the door and slipped my shoes off.

"Hey mum." I hugged her from behind, as she cooked diner. "What's for diner?"

"Tacos." She turned around to hug me and kiss my cheek.

"Great. I'm going to go change and I'll be back down." I said rushing up the stairs. I got to my room and changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt. I sighed the events from school replaying in my head.

"Hey faggot!"

"You're just a worthless fag."

I started to cry, I know I shouldn't cry over him, but that doesn't mean I won't. I reached into my bedside table drawer and pulled out an all too familiar razor. I grabbed it and carved a single word into my wrist. Worthless. I wiped the blood from my wrist and covered it with a bandaid. I headed down stairs to see that the food was ready. I grabbed my food and sat at the table with my mom. Gemma had gone to Uni and my stepdad works late. "Harry what happened to wrist?" She glanced at the bandaid.

"Oh I scratched it on the corner of the nightstand again." I said sheepishly.

"You're such a klutz." She rolled her eyes and continued to eat. I waited till she went to bed to throw away the taco, I had only taken a bite out of. I tried to go to sleep, but the only thought on my mind was Louis.

"I hate that I love you." I whispered into the darkness of my room, as I shed a single tear.

Louis' P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked at my grey-wait I have tan walls not grey. Where the fuck am I? I looked at the bed and it wasn't mine. I got up to look for any evidence to who's room I was in. I found a picture frame and looked at it, oh no. In the picture was none other than Harry fucking Styles. Why am I in his room? I walked out of the room into the bathroom, and I realized I wasn't just in Harry's room. I was in his body. I would've screamed, but I could smell bacon from downstairs implying that someone else was in the house.All I could do was talk to Harry and find out what the hell is going on. If I was in his body, he had to be in mine right. I went in his room, to his dresser and grabbed some of his clothes and put them on, I noticed that had tattoos. But not just one or two, he had at least ten. I walked down stairs and found the door. I was almost out until "Harry where are you going?" A beautiful woman in a very nice robe, presumably his mum, asked.

"Um I need to ask a friend about a homework assignment, I'll be back shortly." I smiled sweetly and left. I thanked God that I lived just down the street from him or this would be extremely difficult. I went up to my door and knocked. my mum soon opened the door. "Hi mu-Ma'am. I'm here for Louis?"

She nodded and let me into the house. "Oh okay. Um he's upstairs, first door to the right." She instructed and I nodded mumbling a quick 'thank you', before rushing up the stairs to my room. I walked in to see Harry asleep. I rushed towards him and violently shook him.

"What the fuck?" He said sleepily and then screamed. I covered his mouth a shushed him. Once he was quiet, I removed his hand. "Why am I looking at my self?!"

"Listen, I don't want you to freak out but we might of switched bodies." I stated as calmly as possible, yet I was freaking out inside.

"Wait what? Who even are you?" He propped himself up on his elbows.

"It's Louis." I said and his eyes practically bulged out of his head. He stood up. mumbling 'no' over and over again. "Look faggot, I'm not thrilled about this either, but you need to chill the fuck out."

"Chill the fuck out? Chill the fuck out? Are you fucking kidding me! I'm in your body! How am I suppose to chill the fuck out?" He yelled and I put my hand over his mouth again.

"My mum is downstairs, shut the hell up!" I whisper-yelled and took my hand off his mouth. "Look I don't know how we switched or why, but for right now you're going to have to be me and I'm going to have to be you."

"Yeah, and how are we going to manage that?" He rolled his eyes.

"We've got a three-day weekend. We spend all three days figuring out how to be each other." I said sitting down on the bed.

"Oh! Like in the parent trap!" He squealed.

"You're so gay." I groaned.

"Louis, if we're going to make this work, you can't keep teasing me about my sexuality." He said sternly.

"Fine, fine." I grumbled.

"Let's get started then shall we?" He clapped his hands, grinning. Me and Harry spent the entire weekend learning about each other and what we needed to know. Surprisingly, I managed to hold back any rude remarks regarding his sexuality. Learning about each other was easy, but tomorrow would be the real test.

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