Chapter 8

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Louis' P.O.V

I was still shaken by my unusual dream. It was only the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend, not a week later as I thought. How could that be a dream? It felt so real. I couldn't decide what was real or not. There was only one thing that I could think about at the moment. Harry. I love him.

I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with Harry Edward Styles. I quickly threw on a random t-shirt, black skinny jeans, my vans and a beanie. I was eager to get out of this house. I rushed out the door, not uttering a single word to my mother.

I sprinted down the road to the school. As I walked in many people were looking at me crazy, considering I just ran to school and I was no where near late. I searched the crowd for a head of curly hair. Once I spotted him I rushed over. As soon as he noticed me his eyes widened in fear. I shoved him up against the lockers behind him and he began to squirm.

"Please Louis let me go. It's to early for this. Just hurt me later not now." He pleaded closing his eyes waiting for me to hurt him. I felt my heart crack, considering the fantasy I had last night. None of it was real. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt even though it wasn't that cold today. I rolled down his sleeve, hoping not to see what I thought was there. I was wrong. There it was 'worthless'. I tore my eyes away from his wrist and looked back at him. He was so scared he was sweating.

"My dream was right." I whispered. If that was right, did that mean Harry actually did like me?

"What are you talking abo–" I cut him off slamming my lips onto his. To say he was shocked, would be an understatement. He began to kiss back, only for us to stop for breath. He looked away from me ashamed, he attempted to walk away but I held him in his place.

"Look at me Harry." I pleaded but he refused. I lifted his chin with my fingers, forcing him to look at me. "You are not worthless. If anybody here is worthless its me, okay? I don't want you to ever think that you are anything less than perfect. You are perfect Harry Styles and I-I'm in love with you."

"N-no you don't. This is some prank that you and Zayn came up with to mess with me. Y-your lying! Stop lying!" He shouted and I backed away from him. How could he not believe me? I opened my mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come out. It was like all of a sudden I became mute.

I tried to speak again but before I could Harry rushed away to god knows where. I thought things couldn't get worse but then Niall suddenly began coming towards me, steam practically coming out of his ears. He immediately smacked his hand across my face.

"What the hell?!" I screeched rubbing my stinging cheek.

"I don't know how you found out about his crush, but pinning it against him like that is low. Even for you. Can't you just give it a rest and leave him alone!" He spat.

"I do love him." I whispered, tears stinging my eyes threatening to fall.

"Sure Louis. I don't think you even know what love is." Niall scoffed and walked off probably looking for Harry. I slid down the lockers, putting my head in my knees sobbing. I didn't care that people were probably watching, I just felt like crying.

The bell rang and people hurried to class. I just sat there and continued to sob. I didn't care about anything, except for Harry. I sat there for a while, probably twenty minutes, just bawling my eyes out. My sobs had stopped and I was just sniffling here and there.

"Lou?" I heard a familiar voice say and my head shot up, to be met with Liam's beautiful brown eyes. "What's the matter?" He sat down next to me, rubbing my back soothingly.

"I told Harry I loved him, but he doesn't believe me and it just hurts so much. So much." I mumbled into my knees, further soaking them with tears.

"Wait, you love Harry?" Liam asked confused and I nodded slowly. "I didn't even know you were gay."

"That's because I never told you." I snorted. "I just don't know what to do."

"Lou, I honestly don't know what to tell you. Try explaining it to him again maybe? You might of frightened him and that's why he didn't believe you. Try being sincere. It'll work out I promise." He smiled and for the first time this morning I did too.

"Thanks Liam but not every thing has a happy ending." I spat.

"That maybe true, but this does. I've seen the way he looks at you with pure fond, it's undeniable."

"Do you really think so." I glanced up at him.

"I don't think so, I know so." He smiled warmly.

"Thank you." I sighed and he nodded. He began to get up but I grabbed his wrist. "Wait Liam? I have something to ask you." I bit my lip nervously.

"Shoot." He shrugged.

"Are you and" I asked and he stiffened.

His eyebrows furrowed. "How did you....?"

"Don't ask, just know I'm happy for you and I bet you guys make a great couple." I winked and he blushed and walked away. The bell rang again, I didn't even realized I'd been out here that long. I got up and headed to my next class. Unfortunately, it was English with Mrs. Flack and Harry was in that class. Not only that but he sat next to me.

I walked in, to see Harry staring into space deep in thought. I hesitantly sat down and slouched in my seat, forcing myself not to look at him. I was sure if I did I would burst into tears. Zayn sat down next to me and smiled only to frown noticing my red rimmed eyes. "Aye Tommo, what's wrong?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't really want to talk about it here. I'll tell you later, or you can just ask you're boyfriend. I already told him." I crossed my arms and Zayn jerked his armed back.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed awkwardly, his cheeks tinted pink.

"Cut the shit Zayn. I know about yours and Liam's love affair." I rolled my eyes and he began to turn bright red now. I knew he wanted to argue some more, but Mrs. Flack began to teach the lesson and cut him off.

I noticed Harry trying to subtly sneak glances at me, but he failed miserably considering I knew he was staring. I continued on with my day Sulking the entire day. School finished up and I was glad for it. I headed home but I didn't stop at my house. I continued to walk down to Harry's house and stood there contemplating if I should knock or not. Here goes nothing.


A/n: Happy larryversary everyone! Let me know what you think about this chapter. Xoxo

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