Chapter 4

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Louis' P.O.V


The only word that could define my situation at the moment. Why did I have to kiss him and ruin everything? The thing that made it even worse, was how it made me feel. It felt like nothing I've ever felt before. Not when I kissed anyone else, just him. This was all too confusing. He had ran out right after, so I can assume he didn't feel the same way which made my heart shatter.

Loving someone and them not loving you back, is the worst feeling in the world. Nothing came close to the feeling of your heart slowly breaking piece by piece. I couldn't deal with any of this right now. I curled up in a ball under the covers of the bed, and cried myself to sleep.


I woke up the next morning, dreading to have to see Harry. But of course we had first period English together. I sighed and went to his closet. I put on a white t-shirt with a red flannel over it, black skinny jeans, brown boots, and a floral head scarf to hold his hair back. I don't know why Harry didn't ever wear this stuff, he looked hot.

I grabbed his bag and left, not even bothering to say anything to Anne. I wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone. I didn't go to my house to walk with Harry, that would just be awkward. I went into school and just leaned against the wall, not even trying to find Niall. A few minutes later, Niall found me. "Dude what the hell?" He threw his arms up.

"Sorry I just wanted to be alone for a little." I mumbled.

"Tell me what's wrong." He sighed.

"I kissed Louis." I confessed.

"Dude just because you have a crush on him–" he started.

"What? I do not have a crush on him." I blushed.

"Oh please you told me back in seventh grade that you had a crush on him and you told me that you weren't over him just last week. There's no way you all of a sudden got over him." Niall rolled his eyes. What? Harry had a crush on me since seventh grade? I blanked out. Before I could say anything the bell rang. Niall headed to class, but I was frozen in my place. Not only was I left alone, but also confused.


The rest of my day was a blur. The only thing I could think about was Harry. How could he possibly have a crush on me if I physically and verbally hurt him on a daily basis? It wasn't possible. Niall had to be lying, he just had to. But why would he lie to me? That option didn't make sense either. It was the end of the day and there was footie practice. I decided I'd go and watch, since Harry claims he's 'better than me'. I that I should see for myself. I sat down on the bleachers.

I was automatically noticed by Niall. He waved to me with a smile plastered on his face. I giggled and waved back. After awhile they had a water break and Niall ran over to me. "Harry! What are you doing here? You never come to my practices." Niall hugged me.

"Well I had nothing to do this afternoon, so I thought I'd come out to support my best mate." I shrugged.

"Or you came to support your boyfriend." Niall raised his eyebrow.

"He's not my boyfriend." I groaned. "He's not even gay."

"If you say so." He attempted to walk away but I grabbed his wrist.

"Wait you think he's gay?" Was it really that obvious? I didn't think people could tell. Guess not.

"I think so, but I don't think he wants to admit it to himself." Niall explained. I nodded and released his wrist. He hustled out to the field and began practicing again. As soon as practice started up again, Zayn noticed me. He jogged over to Harry and whispered something in his ear. Harry looked up at me and then whispered something into Zayn's ear causing them both to laugh. I frowned.

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