Chapter 2

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A/n: Harry's outfit for the day, in case you were wondering.

Louis' P.O.V

Louis was more nervous than ever, today he had to pretend to be Harry. He also had to take a shower he hadn't since he got into Harry's body, for obvious reasons. But Harry's hair was starting to get greasy so I had to take a shower. I started the shower and slowly began to strip out of my clothes. It was fine up until I got to the boxers. I spent a good ten minutes trying to work up the courage to take them off. I finally just slipped them off and got into the shower. He knew he shouldn't look down, but it's like his brain was going against his wishes and he did. He was shocked to see how big he was. Damn. Wait what was he saying? He can't think that way. He hated Harry. Louis knew he was bisexual but was too afraid to come out, that's why he hated Harry so much. He could be openly gay and not have a care in the world about it.

He washed his hair and body, getting out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to Harry's room. As I was picking out Harry some clothes I noticed a bandaid on his wrist falling off, probably from the shower. I took it off and gasped at what I saw. I saw many faded cuts, but one that seemed to be fresh. It was the word worthless cut into his wrist. That was what I called him before we switched.  He cuts himself because of me. The thought of that made my heart shatter. I quickly got dressed, switching out the t-shirt I had originally chosen for a light purple sweater. I've never seen him wear this and I don't know why. He looked hot in it. When he got to Harry's hair he was lost, that was the only thing he and Louis didn't go over. His hair was fairly long, so he took a bandana and used it to push his hair back and out of his face. He had to say the boy looked pretty fit. He walked into the kitchen to see Harry's mom cooking some eggs. "Morning Harry." She said sweetly in the same nice robe she was in before. Well we know where Harry gets his looks from. She set down my plate and I quickly thanked her. He began scarfing down his food, Anne sending him weird glances.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"You never eat that much." She whispered. He was starving himself too? I then remembered, last year when he was eating his lunch I said 'you sure you want to eat that, fat ass?' God why was I such a dick. More importantly why did he care what I said?

"I dunno, I guess I've gotten a bigger appetite, hanging out with Niall to much." I stifled a laugh, I could tell she didn't buy it but she let it go. She was probably just glad Harry was eating. I finished my eggs and put my dish in the sink. "Bye mum I don't want to be late." I kissed her forehead and left. I headed towards my house to go get Harry, but when I got there he was already walking out the door.

"Hey, Louis. Did your morning go okay?" He asked and I nodded my head. I didn't think this was the best time to talk about his self harm and eating disorder.

"Yeah, but we should start calling each other by our own names, Louis." I said.

"Right, Harry." He responded, causing both of us to break into a fit of laughter. "C'mon we don't want to be late."

"Okay remember, you need to shove me lightly every once in a while and refer to me as fag or faggot." I said and he nodded bitting his lip.

"I don't feel right hurting you." He said sadly.

"Look I'll be fine. Look at it as payback for what I did to you okay?" I looked deep into his/my crystal blue eyes with a speck of green in them.

"Fine he grumbled and walked to the school. I started to walk a bit faster so it didn't seem like we were walking together. When we got into the doors he quickened his pace so he could pass me.

He didn't get pass me without purposely bumping my shoulder. "Watch where your going fag." He shouted. Damn he's good, he should be an actor. I headed over to where Harry said his and Niall's meeting place was. Low and behold there was the little leprechaun. Niall was on the football team with me, Liam, and Zayn so I was already kind of friends with him.

"Hey Nialler." I waved and he looked up from his phone, confusion plastered all over his face. "What?"

"Y-you look different." He stuttered out.

"Yeah and?" I said still confused.

"I bought you that sweater last Christmas and you told me you'd never wear it because it would give Louis even more reason to call you a faggot and hurt you." Why did he care so much what I thought.

"Why should I give a shit what Louis thinks or says?" I asked.

"Mate, I think you and I both know why." He winked. The bell rang and he vanished. What was he talking about?


The rest of the day had gone okay. Harry had shoved me a bit and called me some names. It was finally lunch. I found Niall and picked at my food, since Harry had an eating disorder and I didn't want to make Niall suspicious. "Haz, please eat. When was the last time you ate? And if you say anything more than four days I swear I will open your mouth and shove that food down your throat." He threatened.

"Ni, chill I ate this morning you can ask my mum." I told him.

"I don't think I could talk to her without drooling since your mum is...damn." Niall stated, looking up probably fantasizing about Harry's mum. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one that thinks Harry's mum is hot as hell.

"Don't talk about my mum like that." I pointed a finger at him and he raised his arms in defense.

"Hey, I'm just speaking the truth." He said and I smacked his arm lightly. Just then the bell rang signaling lunch was over. I continued the rest of my dealing with small shoves and name calling, but I could deal. I was in the last period when Harry text me saying to meet him at my house after school and I told him I'd see him later. We had a lot to talk about.


I got to my house and knocked on the door. This time Harry answered not my mum. "Hey Harry, come inside." He moved aside and we went up to my room. "So my day as you went pretty smooth. Liam and Zayn questioned me a bit but they don't seem to suspect anything. how'd your first day go?"

"Well it was...interesting. I need some answers from you." I thought it was best for me to just ask him about it now rather than later.

"O-okay." He stuttered, he probably knows what I'm talking about.

"First of all, why was your mom Shocked that I ate this morning, why was Niall shocked I was wearing this sweater, and why do you have 'worthless' carved into your wrist?" I pulled down the sleeve of the sweater and he looked down at his feet.

"You." He said barely above a whisper.


"You Louis! You! You told me I was a fat ass, so I stopped eating. You called me a faggot, so I didn't want to give you more reason to. You called me worthless, so I cut it into my wrist!" He was now crying uncontrollably. I was hoping I wasn't the reason for this, but I was. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly as he sobbed into the sweater.

"Why in the hell would you believe anything I say?" I said.

"Because Louis, I'm insecure. When some one points out your insecurities you want to get rid of them that much more. Never mind you don't understand." He pushed away from me and stood up.

"I don't understand my ass." I scoffed.

"Yeah sure. you of all people are insecure. You're perfect. what would you have to be insecure about." He snarled.

"I'm insecure because I'm...I'm." I cut myself off before I took that too far.

"Your what Louis." He crossed his arms.



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