Chapter 9

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Louis' P.O.V

Here goes nothing. I balled my hand up into a fist and hit it against the door. The door swung open to reveal his mum, in the same robe she wore in my dream. All of these things that were so accurate was so weird to me. Like I had went back in time or something. "Hello, who are you?" She asked. I was confused at first, but then I remembered she hadn't actually met me.

"Oh I'm Louis, here to see Harry. Is he here?" I asked politely.

"Yes he's up in his room." She closed the door and pointed to a door upstairs. The house looked exactly like it did in his dream. I barged into Harry's room and it also looked exactly the same, not a single thing different.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered, putting down the the textbook that was on his lap and standing up.

"I needed to talk to you." I breathed out.

"Go on." He gulped.

"Look Harry I meant it when I said I love you. I can't even express how much I love you. After you ran away from me this morning, I skipped first period and ended up sobbing into my knees. I love you so much it hurts. All I want is to be with you." I was on the verge of tears now but I attempted to blink them away.

"What makes you think I want to be with you." He snapped and turned away from me.

"Because you have loved me since seventh grade Harry." I blurted, but quickly covered my mouth as if it would make what I just said go away.

"W-what who the hell told you that? Was it Niall? I swear there's going to be one less leprechaun in the world." He grumbled.

"No, no Niall didn't tell me anything. It's....complicated how I know what I know, But please Harry. If I was pranking you I would've given up after you rejected me the first time." I choked out, trying hard not to cry. "Give me a chance."

"I don't know Louis. You know how many times you've hurt me? You've hurt my feelings and my body for years now." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. There was no use holding the tears back anymore because what I did to this poor boy made me feel like I deserved to die.

"The reason I bullied you was because I was jealous of the courage you had to come out." I looked down at my feet.

"You were jealous of me?" He stared at me with disbelief.

"Who wouldn't be? You're flawless." I said and he blushed.

"And what exactly gave you this sudden change of heart ? Just last week you were calling me a fag and punching me in the stomach." He argued.

"This is going to sound weird but I had a dream where we switched bodies and fell in love. Even though it was a dream it made me realize my true feelings for you and everything in my dream is real like your house, your mum, your crush, your um cuts. Everything." I looked up at him and he was shocked and then He bursted out laughing.

"That's rich. So you're telling me you already knew what my room looked like and my house?" I nodded but he just laughed more. "Prove it then." I nodded and walked over to his closet, low and behold there it was. The purple sweater.

"Niall got you this sweater last Christmas. But you refuse to wear it because you think I'll hate it." I held it up and his eyes practically bulging out of his head.

"Okay even if you are telling the truth, you're just going to trust your brain when it told you. Y-you love me?" He asked looking down.

"Because Harry, I-I've always loved you, I just could never admit it to myself. I love you so much so please I'm begging you." I pleaded and grabbed his hand in mine and looked into his bright green eyes. "Harry Edward Styles, would you do me the great honor of being my boyfriend?"

"Does this answer your question?" He smirked before wrapping his arms around my waist bringing his lips to mine. I fluttered my eyes shut enjoying the feeling of his soft, plump lips on mine. We both pulled apart and smiled fondly.

"Yes it does." I giggled, making him laugh as well. Dating Harry in my dreams was amazing, but I knew dating him in real life would be even better and I was so ready for it.


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