Chapter 3

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A/n: Louis outfit later on the side.

Harry's P.O.V

"Your what?" That was definitely something I'd hear come out of the Louis Tomlinson's mouth.

"I'm gay Harry! G-A-Y, gay!" He shouted.

"Okay calm down. I'm just...shocked." And who wouldn't be? I mean someone who bullies me for being gay is gay himself. "Wait then why'd you bully me for being gay?"

"That's not the real reason I bullied you." He shoved past me and sat on the bed. I followed and sat next to him. "I bullied you because I envied you. You had the courage to come out. You can walk around and freely look at any guy you please. While I can't." He had tears filling his eyes.

"Louis, if you want to come out why don't you?" I asked.

He looked up at me his tears spilling down his cheeks. "Because I'm too much of a pussy to do it." He sobbed and placed his head in his hands. I wrapped my arms around him and he sobbed into my t-shirt.

"Hey, it's okay." I coed. He had stopped crying and now was just leaning on my shoulder.

"Harry can I ask you something?" He said quietly.

"Sure, Lou." I smiled.

"Who made you realize?" He looked up at me.

"W-what?" I couldn't tell him considering it was him.

"You know who made you realize you were gay?" He clarified.

"Um, Niall?" I said more as a question. "I use to have a crush on him in middle school and that's when I realized I was gay. But um I don't think about him like that any more." I lied but he bought it.


"What about you?" He looked at me fearfully. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said and he nodded. "How about you stay the night. We can go to my house to get you some clothes and come back over. Plus I haven't gotten the chance to see my mum in four days."

"Yeah that sounds great. I've missed my bed." He got up and we headed downstairs.

"Mum we're going to go get Harry some clothes so he can spend the night." I yelled, feeling weird calling someone else my mum. I could tell Louis felt the same way, seeing the way he cringed.

"Okay Boobear be back soon!" She called after me. We walked out the door and I smirked at Louis.

"Boobear?" I tried to hold back a laugh.

"Shut up." He mumbled. We arrived at my house and my mum was cooking dinner. "Hey mum, me and my friend are here to pick up some clothes. I'm sleeping over at his house." Louis ran upstairs, leaving me with my mum.

"Hey Niall– who are you?" My mum walked into the room.

"Oh I'm Louis, nice to meet you." I reached my hand out to her and she shook it.

"I didn't realize Harry had any friends besides Niall." She said.

"Oh we're new friends." I shrugged and she nodded. Just then Louis came down the stairs.

"Alright mum, I'm leaving." He went over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Love you." He yelled over his shoulder, while we walked out the house. We got back to his house and headed up stairs. "Hey Harry?" He said sitting on the bed.

"Yeah Lou?" I plopped down next to him.

"Do you mind if we share the bed? I've kind of missed it and I don't want to kick you off and it is a fairly large bed and–" he rambled.

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