Chapter 5

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A/n: Harry and Louis' outfits on the side.

Harry's P.O.V

I started out my day the same way. Praying that when opened my eyes I'd see my grey walls instead of Louis' tan ones. But of course I opened my eyes to see tan walls. Based off of my sources, also known as Freaky Friday, there was some lesson we were suppose to learn from this. But I didn't have any clue what that was. I sighed and got out of bed heading to the closet I put on a white t-shirt with a denim button up over top, some black skinny jeans, some black vans, and a black beanie.

I headed to my house to get Louis, it sort of turned into a daily routine for us. I rang the door bell and out came my mum in her robe that Niall described as 'made him harder than math'. Which is why we only sleep over at his house now.  "Oh hello Louis. Harry's just about done. Harry!" She yelled and down came Louis, he was wearing a grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black boots, and a brown hat instead of the usual head scarf.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep, bye mum." He kissed her cheek and we left.

"God I told her to stop wearing that robe." I grumbled.

"But why? She looks very nice in it." He winked.

"Please don't talk about my mum like that." I grimaced.

"I don't think I should be the one you tell that to. You should tell Niall that." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I know. The first time he slept over at my house, my mum brought us breakfast in bed in that robe and Niall said that her in that robe made him harder than math." I shook my head.

"Oh that's great." He laughed, clutching his stomach. We arrived at school and began walking down the hall continuing our conversation, earning strange looks from people. We didn't even realize we were standing in front of Niall, until he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"When did this happen?" He pointed between us to.

"When did what happen?" Louis asked.

"Just a couple days ago he was tripping you into your mashed potatoes and now you two are practically joined at the hip." Niall said.

"Oh well we've been spending so much time with tutoring sessions, I learned he isn't that bad." I shrugged.

"Oh well could you convince Zayn and Liam to think that way?" Niall said coldly.

"Louis?" He heard Zayn's voice boom.

"Guess we're about to find out." Louis muttered under his breath.

"Why are you hanging out with the thing?" Zayn snarled.

"We're kind of friends now. He's a cool guy once you get to know him." I crossed my arms.

"You're kidding right? This has to be a joke." Zayn said.

"Not a joke. Harry is my friend and I have to ask that you respect that." I stated simply.

"I'm not happy about this, but hey if that's what you want than I guess I'll have to respect that." Zayn sighed.

"Yeah if Tommo says you're cool, I guess you're cool." Liam high fived Louis and we all began having a great conversation. Today was going pretty good.


The bell rang and it was finally lunch. Liam, Niall, Louis, and I all had the same class before lunch so we walked to the cafeteria together. We got there Zayn was already sitting at a table eating his food. When he saw us he smiled and waved. "Vas happin boys?" He said with a mouthful of food.

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