Chapter 7

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Louis' P.O.V

I woke up to see my tan walls and I smiled as the memories of yesterday came flooding back into my mind. I turned but I didn't see myself, I saw Harry. I immediately screamed, causing Harry's eyes to shoot open. "What's the problem?!" He exclaimed. He then looked towards me and screamed as well. "Lou! We're back! We're really back!"

"I know Haz! I know!" I squealed and we hugged each other. "You know there's something that I really want to do now that we're back." I smirked.

"And what would that be?" He asked resting his hands on my ass.

"Kiss my beautiful and amazing boyfriend." I threw my arms around his neck and he leaned down connecting our lips. "You're lips feel so much better than mine." I sighed of relief.

"I beg to differ." He growled into my ear.

"C'mon we've got to get ready for school." I patted his chest and reluctantly let me go. I grabbed a white tanktop, black skinny jeans, and my black vans for me to wear. I then handed Harry the black skinny jeans I had left here last Friday and one of my baggier white   t-shirt. We got dressed and ran down the stairs, I immediately hugged my mum. "Morning mum." I breathed into her neck, missing calling her mum.

"Morning Boobear. Morning Harry." She said setting down our plates of eggs and bacon on the table. We both quickly scarfed down our food, trying to get to school so we could hang out with our friends like we used to. I saw Zayn and Liam and immediately tackled them in a hug. "Zayn! Liam!" I yelled holding them tightly.

"Hey Lou. What's got you so jittery this morning?" Liam asked.

"He had too much sugar in his cereal." Harry said from behind us smirking.

"Shut it styles." I stuck my tongue out playfully.

"Where Niall?" He asked, searching worriedly for his friend. As if on cue Niall walked up to the group. Him and Harry almost fell how tight he was hugging Niall.

"Since when have you been so excited to see me?" He laughed.

"I don't know I guess I had to much sugar this morning too." Harry smiled bashfully.

"I think me and Harry have something important to tell you." I shot Harry a look and he nodded. "Me and Harry," I started and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers. "Are dating." I breathed out. I looked around at the group and we were getting all around good reactions.

"that's great Lou!" Liam and Zayn exclaimed.

"you finally got your Prince Charming Haz." Niall smirked, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"well then I think this is the best time as ever to say that me and Liam are dating as well." Zayn said blushing as Liam linked their arms.

"I'm happy for you guys, Zaynie." I smiled warmly.

"So wait I'm basically a fifth wheel now?" Niall asked, making us all laugh. Today was the best day ever for sure.


"You know you're the best boyfriend ever." I looked down at Harry. He was laying into his head in my lap, as I ran my hand through his curls.

"Don't get all sappy on me, Haz." I teased. "You know we have to tell the boys about this whole switch thing right?"

"I know, but what if they think we're crazy?" He asked.

"Niall will get it at least he's been thinking something was going on for a few days." I said and he nodded.

"Okay we'll tell them tomorrow." He replied and I smiled. I leaned down to kiss his plump lips.

"You should sleepover." He whispered into my ear, before bitting it gently. I tried to hold back a moan. I just nodded my head, not trusting my words. Harry smirked at the effect had on me. "How about we play some 'Mario Cart'?" He winked.

"Of course." I smirked before crashing our lips together. Tonight was going to be a great night.


It was Wednesday afternoon and we invited all the boys over, so we can explain the whole switch thing. "So you said you had something to tell us?" Niall smiled.

"Uh yeah. Okay so this may seem crazy but me and Harry switched bodies." I looked around and they were all shocked until they burst out laughing.

"Oh that's really funny Lou." Zayn laughed, pretending to wipe a tear.

"No seriously. Niall, you remember last week when Harry wore that purple sweater you bought him last Christmas?" I asked and he stopped laughing.

"How did you know that." Niall asked quietly.

"Because it was me. I didn't know Harry had a reason for not wearing it, so I just did. That's why Harry called me Harry last Friday. Because I was Harry!" I was so frustrated. Why was it so difficult for them to understand.

"Yeah Zayn, Liam. Louis sucked at Fifa because I suck at Fifa." Harry explained.

"I don't buy it. Tell us something that happened when you switched bodies, that only we would know about." Liam crossed his arms.

"Niall told me that Harry liked me since seventh grade, since he thought I was him." I started and Niall blushed.

"Wednesday was Louis best practice, because I was playing for him. I scored three goals." Harry added.

"After Thursday's practice Zayn you came out to the field and punched Harry in the face, kicked him in the stomach, and called him a fag. And by the way your kicks hurt." I finished. Zayn looked down at his feet. "Do you believe us now?"

"Yeah, but that's a lot to take in you know? Two people switching bodies." Niall said.

"Yeah well it's true." Harry said, clearly irritated.

"Okay well thanks for telling us. Now I know why Harry was acting so weird." Niall smiled and gave Harry a big hug.

"Yeah well if it wasn't for this switch, I probably wouldn't have realized I love Harry." I smiled and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you too Lou. Forever and always." He pecked my lips and smiled out me. This was how it was supposed to be. Me and Harry together forever. I loved this boy and I would never let him go. I leaned in to kiss him once more.

When I was mere inches from his face a blaring ringing noise stopped me. Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall had vanished into thin air. The entire room went black and I couldn't see anything. I opened my eyes to see my room and my alarm going off. It was just a dream.


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