Chapter 4: Guardian Angel

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Daniel lashed out, hearing the satisfying crunch of bone striking bone. His opponent rolled with the impact; negating much of the force. He kicked out viciously, but Daniel leapt backwards and the intended blow never landed.

Daniel rocked back on his heels as his opponent regained his footing. Both were stripped to the waist and covered in a glistening layer of sweat. A line of blood ran past Daniel's right eye and mingled with the sweat to create a thin red film. His adversary favoured his left arm; the result of a desperate elbow strike earlier in the combat.

"Come on, Kyrin," Daniel rasped, his breath coming in short bursts. "You never let me hurt you this easily"

"You are in turmoil, Ezykiel," Kyrin replied. His breathing was steady; as if the session was no more strenous than a long walk. "It gives you strength"

The pair began to circle each other, never breaking eye contact. Daniel launched himself forwards, but Kyrin sidestepped and punched him in the jaw.

Daniel dropped onto his back, his ears ringing. Kyrin straddled him; resting an arm on either shoulder and effectively preventing movement.

"It gives you strength," he repeated. "But it weakens your focus"

Then the pressure was lifted and Daniel took Kyrin's outstretched hand. They stood in the centre of the training mat and a charged silence dominated the space between them.

Deep shadows gathered in the corners of the room; cast by a single naked bulb flickering overhead. The only sound was their breathing, echoing up into the shadowed vaults of the ceiling.

Daniel was the first to break the silence.

"Recent events have...troubled me greatly," he admitted.

"You mean the girl," Kyrin said. It was a statement, not a question.


Daniel stood silent for several long seconds.

"Such power in the hands of one person..." He tailed off.

"It is not the power that worries me, Ezykiel," Kyrin said. "We should have sensed it before"


"You have an answer?"

"I think so"

Daniel looked towards the shadows. Each nervous flicker of the light coaxed them closer; only to force them into retreat a second later.

"Maybe the daemori are the catalyst"

"No," Kyrin protested. "She can't possibly be..."

"She has to be," Daniel replied evenly. "There is no other explanation"

Kyrin met his gaze and saw iron resolve. He sighed and walked towards the exit. Pausing at the door and listening to the muted sounds of the city's nightlife, he turned to face Daniel.

"Protect her," he said, disappearing into the darkness.

"I will," Daniel replied, though only the shadows bore witness to his promise.

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