Chapter 7: Childhood's End

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Myrdin powered up the hill,breathing in sharp gasps and covered in a thick layer of sweat. His thighs burned with exertion and every juddering step threatened to unbalance him. His vision blurred as perspiration dripped from his brow and stung his eyes. He used his arm to wipe the sweat away, cursing as his foot caught a protruding rock and propelled him to the ground. A bolt of pain seared up his arm as it scraped along the rough dirt and he lay there for several long moments, unable to find the strength to climb to his feet.

The other boys raced into view, the collective pounding of their footfalls a muted thunder against the ground. Jeers and laughter as they thundered past gave Myrdin the resolve he needed. Pushing himself up, he wiped his face and carried on with grim determination.

The peak of the hill gradually came into view, taunting his weakened frame with distance. Slowly he began overtaking the others until only one other runner stood between him and victory. Myrdin rapidly closed the gap; his feet hammering into the hard earth.

The other runner glanced behind him and Myrdin smiled darkly as he saw the fear reflected in those familiar green eyes. He thundered past and suddenly the peak was there; the finishing line getting closer and closer. Fifty metres....thirty metres....

A pair of hands seized his shoulders and hurled him bodily from the track. He crashed down hard and rolled with the momentum. Branches and thorns snapped against him, drawing stinging red lines across his bare skin. He came to a stop on a small expanse of flattened ground; every nerve alight with pain.

Myrdin tried to get back up, but his arms failed him. His rasping breath blew bubbles in the stagnant puddle of water beside his face. Although he couldn't have been there for more than a few seconds, it felt like hours. Whenever he tried to move pain coursed through his body and his hands would twitch erratically.

When a second pair of hands pulled him up he had no strength left to resist. He was spent. Then a familiar face, blurred by sweat and blood, swam into view.

"Can you run?" Damori asked, his gravelly voice thick with concern.

The moment Cyrus had cheated him of victory came back, along with a burning desire for vengeance.

"I can run," Myrdin snarled. "Straight to the top so I can punch that cheating bastard's face in"

He shrugged Damori's hand off and pounded back up the track. Once he reached the top Myrdin touched the small pile of rocks and looked around for Cyrus. He found him stood at the edge, alone and staring out at the mist-wreathed hills. Perfect.

Cyrus heard the crunching footsteps behind him and turned. He saw the murderous intent in Myrdin's eyes and frantically brought his arm up to block. The impact snapped it with a sickening crack. The second blow hit him full in the face; blood spurting from his ruptured nose.

Cyrus dropped to the ground with a strangled cry. He clutched at his broken arm and the rage left Myrdin, replaced by an overwhelming sense of guilt. He stood there silently while the other boys crowded around and carried Cyrus down the hill. He offered to help but was met with hostile glares and curses.

Only Damori remained at his side in the days that followed.


Hello again guys

My original idea seems to have cruelly abandoned me so I'm going to move things on and get back to the present.

Sorry for any disappointment/distress/sorrow I may have inadvertently caused.

So....has your opinion of Daniel/Myrdin changed at all?

For better or worse?

And...the most important the Chapter and/or story as a whole any good?

Your votes, comments and shares are highly appreciated and I welcome any feedback and criticisms (not too harsh please)

Oh....Daniel and Abigail now have a song

It's Angel Eyes by New Years Day (also featuring the talented and exceptionally good-looking Chris Motionless)

So yeah...enjoy the story and I will try to make Chapters longer; but hey....don't want to leave you guys (and girls) waiting for too long now do we?


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