Chapter 6: Felstead

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They arrived at the house in a roaring spray of gravel. Though to call it a mere house was a gross injustice.

Two round towers jutted out from the sides of the main building; squatting like some mythical beast of legend amongst the surrounding trees. It was all dressed stone and jagged steeples; diamond-shaped windows studding the cold exterior like multi-faceted eyes.

"No way," Abigail exclaimed, climbing off the bike and taking a hesitant step forwards. "How the hell?"

Daniel looked up from fiddling with the bike's engine and held out his hand. In it was a beautifully crafted silver key; the handle carved into an eagle with outstretched wings and inlaid with individually carved feathers. Abigail smiled and took it, noting with satisfaction that Daniel returned the smile.

"Go and let yourself in," Daniel said. "I'll join you in a minute"

He pushed the bike away down the path as Abigail turned towards the door. It was fashioned from solid oak and looked thick enough to withstand a lightning bolt. After some difficulty, Abigail located the keyhole in the darkness and turned the lock. The door opened with a creak of protest into a darkened interior.

Stepping into the house, Abigail ran her hand along the wall in search of a light switch. Instead she found an antique candle holder, the wicks burnt down to stubs from frequent use.

"Go figures," Abigail muttered.

She spent the next five minutes searching for matches. Giving up, she settled on an elaborate silver cigarette lighter that was carved with a crest or sigil of some kind, indiscernable in the darkness.

Flicking the ignition switch, Abigail swore and dropped the lighter as a tongue of flame burst from the end.

"Get a grip," she hissed. "It's only a lighter"

Feeling around in the dark, she shrieked as something large and furry brushed against her leg. Snatching the lighter up, she leapt back and slammed hard against the wall.

"Ow...shit," Abigail cursed as her shoulder throbbed.

Flicking the lighter switch tentatively, she lit the candles and the room was saturated with a warm, orange glow.

The room she stood in was vast, stretching away into the shadows. A grand staircase swept up to the level above, the metallic edging glinting enticingly in the soft light. Doors lined the walls, faint outlines of shapes visible within. The whole house was silent, the howling wind a muted roar beyond the walls.

Abigail jumped as the half-open door closed with a bang. It was then that she became aware of a soft scratching sound coming from down the hallway.

Her insides knotted with fear as a huge black wolf moved into the light. Muscle rippled under its sleek coat as it padded across the cold tiles; mouth open on a set of lethal white fangs. A pair of yellow eyes flickered towards her and a low growl filled the hallway.

The door opened again with a blast of icy wind. Daniel moved into the light and put an arm around her shoulder. At the sight of him the wolf fell silent, turning and loping back into the darkness.

"A wolf!" Abigail exclaimed. "Why the hell do you keep a wolf in your house?"

Daniel didn't answer, guiding her towards one of the doorways. He waved his hands towards an antique stone fireplace and flames burst into life with a sharp crackle. This room was carpeted in a plush red fabric that sank beneath their feet.

A pair of soft chairs were pulled up next to the fire. Daniel sat in the one closest to the door and gestured to the one opposite. She sat down heavily and looked across at him.

"I believe I have quite a bit of explaining to do," Daniel began.

Abigail nodded, suddenly too tired to speak. The warmth from the fire lulled her into a relaxed state.

"Very well," Daniel said. "I'll start at the beginning..."

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